#24613: Documentation Note for defer might need an example.
     Reporter:  Naddiseo              |                    Owner:  nobody
         Type:  Cleanup/optimization  |                   Status:  new
    Component:  Documentation         |                  Version:  1.8
     Severity:  Normal                |               Resolution:
     Keywords:                        |             Triage Stage:  Accepted
    Has patch:  1                     |      Needs documentation:  0
  Needs tests:  0                     |  Patch needs improvement:  0
Easy pickings:  0                     |                    UI/UX:  0

Comment (by akulakov):

 Replying to [comment:5 timgraham]:
 > What does "queryset load time" mean? When the queryset is evaluated and
 the database query occurs, or something else?

 I think it means when .only() or .defer() method is executed, there's two
 time points of interest: module load time, when you can define a module
 with a subset of fields, and queryset object creation time (or
 modification of existing queryset), when you provide the list of fields to
 defer. These are the only two times when you could provide this list of
 fields, so if you know the list at the module load time, it's preferred to
 define it as a model with a subset of fields, but if you don't know at
 module load time, then you don't have this option and you only have
 defer() and only() left to use.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/24613#comment:7>
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