#25352: django.views.generic.dates.WeekArchiveView use of _date_from_string 
on off-by-one weeks handling
     Reporter:  OdyX           |      Owner:  nobody
         Type:  Bug            |     Status:  new
    Component:  Generic views  |    Version:  1.8
     Severity:  Normal         |   Keywords:
 Triage Stage:  Unreviewed     |  Has patch:  0
Easy pickings:  0              |      UI/UX:  0
 While trying to use WeekArchiveView to display objects in given weeks (and
 navigate within weeks), I've found that the data would be displayed off by
 one week, which makes it very confusing to use.

 I think the problem start there:

         date = _date_from_string(year, self.get_year_format(),
                                  week_start, '%w',
                                  week, week_format)

         since = self._make_date_lookup_arg(date)
         until = self._make_date_lookup_arg(self._get_next_week(date))

 `date` is then used as `since`, which should be the start of the
 '''current''' week, while `_date_from_string` outputs the day starting the
 next week (format in use being '%w').

 >>> from django.utils import timezone
 >>> now = timezone.datetime.now()
 >>> now.strftime('%W')
 >>> now.isocalendar()[1]
 >>> from django.views.generic.dates import _date_from_string
 >>> _date_from_string('2015', '%Y', '1', '%w', '35', '%W')
 datetime.date(2015, 8, 31)

 Actually, I'm not sure where the bug lays, but seeing `.isocalendar()[1]`
 differ from `.strftime('%W')` is certainly weird. So far, it seems to me
 to be the cause for my `previous_week` and `next_week`-based buttons to
 have off-by-one errors. Is there any reason for `.strftime('%W')`
 not to use `.isocalendar()` ?

 What am I overlooking, or doing wrong?

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/25352>
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