#26834: MinValueValidator/MaxValueValidator not forwarded to form field for
     Reporter:  sergei-  |      Owner:  nobody
  maertens               |
         Type:  Bug      |     Status:  new
    Component:  Forms    |    Version:  1.9
     Severity:  Normal   |   Keywords:  MaxValueValidator,
 Triage Stage:           |  MinValueValidator, ModelForm, IntegerField
  Unreviewed             |  Has patch:  0
Easy pickings:  0        |      UI/UX:  0
 I just ran into a possible enhancement.

 Consider the following model:


 class KitReviewPropertyRating(models.Model):
     Represents properties for a kit review rated on a scale from
     kit_review = models.ForeignKey('KitReview', related_name='ratings')
     prop = models.ForeignKey('KitReviewProperty')
     rating = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(
         _('rating'), default=DEFAULT_RATING,

 and the matching ModelForm:
 from django.forms.widgets import NumberInput

 class RangeInput(NumberInput):
     input_type = 'range'

 class KitReviePropertyRatingForm(forms.ModelForm):

     class Meta:
         model = KitReviewPropertyRating
         fields = ('id', 'prop', 'rating')
         widgets = {
             'rating': RangeInput(attrs={'max': MAX_RATING})

 As you can see, I have to specify the `max` widget attribute manually,
 otherwise the html input looks like this: `<input type="range"
 name="rating" value="50" min="0">`, instead of the expected `<input
 type="range" name="rating" value="50" min="0" max="100">`. I had expected
 the Min/MaxValueValidator to be 'forwarded' to the form field (via
 `IntegerField.formfield` method), but no such thing happens. #26786 does
 add the validators on the model level, based on the db connection used and
 the limits there, and only if no such validators were present yet.

 I'd like to make it so that Min/MaxValueValidators are translated into
 `min_value`/`max_value` defaults for the `IntegerField.formfield` method,
 this would be more in line with the expected output and reduce the need to
 repeat yourself.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/26834>
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