#30710: impossible without workarounds to see which fields changed when 
to signals from generic views
               Reporter:  MaxR           |          Owner:  nobody
                   Type:  Uncategorized  |         Status:  new
              Component:  Uncategorized  |        Version:  2.1
               Severity:  Normal         |       Keywords:
           Triage Stage:  Unreviewed     |      Has patch:  0
    Needs documentation:  0              |    Needs tests:  0
Patch needs improvement:  0              |  Easy pickings:  0
                  UI/UX:  0              |
 for example I have simple `generic view`:

 class CollectorUpdate(generic.UpdateView):
     model = ReportBase
     fields = ['title', 'db', 'additionalPath', 'start_date', 'end_date',
               'updMethod', 'cronStr', 'code', 'code_renew']
     template_name = 'collector/collector_update_form.html'

 and subscribe to `post_save` signal:

 @receiver(signal=signals.post_save, sender=ReportBase)
 def runCron(sender, **kwargs):
     """Signal handler. Run cron after post_save signal on """
     collector = kwargs.get('instance')
     updated_fields = kwargs.get('update_fields')

 but `updated_fields`  always is `None`

 I think the problem is that in generic.UpdateView into `.save()` method it
 is necessary to register a field `field_update` with interesting for me
 As workaround i'm using an instyance of saved object:
  collector = kwargs.get('instance')
 but it's looks strange and it is inconvenient. I have to do a lot of extra

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/30710>
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