#32970: Investigate feasibility of improving WhereNode clone performance
     Reporter:  Keryn Knight         |                    Owner:  Keryn
         Type:                       |  Knight
  Cleanup/optimization               |                   Status:  assigned
    Component:  Database layer       |                  Version:  dev
  (models, ORM)                      |
     Severity:  Normal               |               Resolution:
     Keywords:                       |             Triage Stage:
                                     |  Unreviewed
    Has patch:  1                    |      Needs documentation:  0
  Needs tests:  0                    |  Patch needs improvement:  0
Easy pickings:  0                    |                    UI/UX:  0
Description changed by Keryn Knight:

Old description:

> This relates to #32948 insofar as it's about figuring out how shallow or
> deep a copy is necessary for cloning `Node` instances/subclasses. And a
> bit to #28455 which acknowledges the need to avoid cloning sometimes due
> to it being costly.
> The PR I made for optimising Q combining/inverting
> (https://github.com/django/django/pull/14673) wants to introduce a
> `__copy__` method onto `Q` objects to indicate what level of operation is
> needed. Unlike that PR, it's decidedly not possible to take the same
> approach with WhereNode and just do `clone.__dict__ =
> self.__dict__.copy()` (things broke horribly) because of attributes like
> `contains_aggregate` and `output_field` which are cached properties on
> the WhereNode instance. Also `resolved` gets set after the fact by
> `resolve_expression`. But, as far as I can tell, the
> looping/testing/child cloning ''may be removable''. Perhaps once upon a
> time they were required and other components changed such that it's now
> safe to consider. I can't readily say, but initial experimentation
> suggests it's OK to look at, at least in theory.
> There is a PR already for this, here:
> https://github.com/django/django/pull/14709 which is currently marked
> draft/WIP because I couldn't easily run the whole test suite locally and
> needed to see if the more exotic parts caused problems. They didn't,
> which was unexpected, so here I am. The PR currently replaces the
> `WhereNode.clone` method like so:
> {{{
> clone = self.__class__._new_instance(children=[],
> connector=self.connector, negated=self.negated)
> for child in self.children:
>     if hasattr(child, 'clone'):
>         clone.children.append(child.clone())
>     else:
>         clone.children.append(child)
> }}}
> with:
> {{{
> clone = self.__class__._new_instance(children=None,
> connector=self.connector, negated=self.negated)
> clone.children = self.children[:]
> }}}

> But I ''think'' that Q and WhereNode ''can'' both just return a shallow
> copy by only aliasing the children property, at which point I think the
> `__copy__` method could be implemented on `Node` directly and mirror the
> existing `__deepcopy__` method. By preferring those stdlib names it draws
> a line in the sand over what level of copy should be expected. The
> existing `clone` and `copy` methods can become aliases to same.

> === Before any changes
> If we now begin to examine the before and after with as much data as I
> can easily gather. First a bit of prelude:
> {{{
> In [1]: from django.db.models.sql.where import WhereNode
> In [2]: from django.db.models import QuerySet
> In [3]: from django.db.models.sql import Query
> In [4]: from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> In [5]: x = User.objects.all()
> In [6]: y = User.objects.filter(username='test',
> email='t...@test.test').exclude(username='test').filter(email='nottest')
> In [7]: %load_ext line_profiler
> }}}
> Now let's establish a ballpark for how much time is spent where, I've
> stripped the line profiling down to just the relevant bits for clarity.
> ==== Queryset with no clauses (`x`)
> {{{
> In [8]: %lprun -f QuerySet._chain -f QuerySet._clone -f Query.chain -f
> Query.clone -f WhereNode.clone for _ in range(1000): x._chain()
> Function: QuerySet._chain
> Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
> ==============================================================
>   1325                                               def _chain(self,
> **kwargs):
>   ...
>   1330      1000      88169.0     88.2     97.8          obj =
> self._clone()
> Function: QuerySet._clone
> Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
> ==============================================================
>   1337                                               def _clone(self):
>   ...
>   1342      1000      80796.0     80.8     86.3          chained =
> self.query.chain()
>   1343      1000       7240.0      7.2      7.7          c =
> self.__class__(model=self.model, query=chained, using=self._db,
> hints=self._hints))
> Function: Query.chain
> Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
> ==============================================================
>    341                                               def chain(self,
> klass=None):
>    ...
>    346      2000     116961.0     58.5     94.8          obj =
> self.clone()
> Function: Query.clone
> Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
> ==============================================================
>    290                                               def clone(self):
>    ...
>    304      2000      18294.0      9.1     27.0          obj.where =
> self.where.clone()
> Function: WhereNode.clone
> Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
> ==============================================================
>    142                                               def clone(self):
>    ...
>    148      4000       6227.0      1.6     63.7          clone =
> self.__class__._new_instance(
>    149      2000       1170.0      0.6     12.0              children=[],
> connector=self.connector, negated=self.negated)
>    150      2000       1407.0      0.7     14.4          for child in
> self.children:
>    151                                                       if
> hasattr(child, 'clone'):
>    152
> clone.children.append(child.clone())
>    153                                                       else:
>    154
> clone.children.append(child)
>    155      2000        969.0      0.5      9.9          return clone
> }}}
> ==== Queryset with where clauses (`y`)
> Youu can see the cost begin to go up:
> {{{
> In [9]: %lprun -f QuerySet._chain -f QuerySet._clone -f Query.chain -f
> Query.clone -f WhereNode.clone for _ in range(1000): y._chain()
> Function: Query.clone
> Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
> ==============================================================
>    290                                               def clone(self):
>    ...
>    304      2000      60065.0     30.0     59.1          obj.where =
> self.where.clone()
> Function: WhereNode.clone
> Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
> ==============================================================
>    142                                               def clone(self):
>    148      8000      11473.0      1.4     33.1          clone =
> self.__class__._new_instance(
>    149      4000       2379.0      0.6      6.9              children=[],
> connector=self.connector, negated=self.negated)
>    150     14000       7241.0      0.5     20.9          for child in
> self.children:
>    151     10000       5553.0      0.6     16.0              if
> hasattr(child, 'clone'):
>    152      2000       1255.0      0.6      3.6
> clone.children.append(child.clone())
>    153                                                       else:
>    154      8000       5069.0      0.6     14.6
> clone.children.append(child)
>    155      4000       1715.0      0.4      4.9          return clone
> }}}
> and the timings for those 2 (`x` and `y`) querysets, plus an example of
> prefetching related data:
> {{{
> In [10]: %timeit x._chain()
> 6.43 µs ± 52 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
> In [11]: %timeit y._chain()
> 8.24 µs ± 35.3 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops
> each))
> In [12]: %timeit y.query.where.clone()
> 2.79 µs ± 38.2 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops
> each)
> In [13]: %prun for _ in range(100000): y._chain()
> 3400003 function calls (3300003 primitive calls) in 1.506 seconds
>        ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall
> filename:lineno(function)
>        100000    0.357    0.000    1.007    0.000 query.py:290(clone)
> 200000/100000    0.301    0.000    0.539    0.000 where.py:142(clone) <--
> WhereNode
>        100000    0.172    0.000    1.344    0.000 query.py:1337(_clone)
>        100000    0.068    0.000    1.086    0.000 query.py:341(chain)
>        100000    0.058    0.000    1.415    0.000 query.py:1325(_chain)
> In [14]: %timeit
> tuple(User.objects.prefetch_related('groups__permissions',
> 'user_permissions'))
> 18.2 ms ± 117 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each))
> }}}
> === After replacing the clone method
> Given those data points, here are the same bits of line profiling,
> showing only those where the needle has moved:
> ==== Queryset with no clauses (`x`)
> {{{
> Function: Query.clone
> Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
> ==============================================================
>    290                                               def clone(self):
>    ...
>    304      2000      14134.0      7.1     22.8          obj.where =
> self.where.clone()
> Function: WhereNode.clone
> Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
> ==============================================================
>    142                                               def clone(self):
>    ...
>    148      2000       5586.0      2.8     71.0          clone =
> self.__class__._new_instance(children=None, connector=self.connector,
> negated=self.negated)
>    149      2000       1412.0      0.7     18.0          clone.children =
> self.children[:]
>    150      2000        865.0      0.4     11.0          return clone
> }}}
> ==== Queryset with where clauses (`y`)
> {{{
> Function: Query.clone at line 290
> Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
> ==============================================================
>    290                                               def clone(self):
>    ...
>    304      2000      13730.0      6.9     24.7          obj.where =
> self.where.clone()
> Function: WhereNode.clone
> Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
> ==============================================================
>    142                                               def clone(self):
>    ...
>    148      2000       5273.0      2.6     69.0          clone =
> self.__class__._new_instance(children=None, connector=self.connector,
> negated=self.negated)
>    149      2000       1498.0      0.7     19.6          clone.children =
> self.children[:]
>    150      2000        871.0      0.4     11.4          return clone
> }}}
> And the timings; in the empty case (`x`), it's ''basically'' just paying
> the cost of class creation, but where there are clauses it is more
> consistent (ie: ''nearer'' a constant time vs linear growth).
> {{{
> In [10]: %timeit x._chain()
> 6.51 µs ± 47.6 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops
> each))
> In [11]: %timeit y._chain()
> 6.25 µs ± 36.4 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops
> each)
> In [12]: %timeit y.query.where.clone()
> 1.16 µs ± 9.09 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops
> each)
> In [13]: %prun for _ in range(100000): y._chain()
> 3800003 function calls in 1.926 seconds
> ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
> 100000    0.355    0.000    0.606    0.000 query.py:290(clone)
> 100000    0.169    0.000    0.939    0.000 query.py:1337(_clone)
> 100000    0.068    0.000    0.139    0.000 where.py:142(clone) <---
> WhereNode
> 100000    0.067    0.000    0.683    0.000 query.py:341(chain)
> 100000    0.058    0.000    1.009    0.000 query.py:1325(_chain)
> In [14]: %timeit
> tuple(User.objects.prefetch_related('groups__permissions',
> 'user_permissions'))
> 17.9 ms ± 345 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
> }}}
> Gut feeling says the "final" implementation could be something like the
> following, directly on the `Node` class.
> {{{
> def __copy__(self):
>     clone = self._new_instance(children=None, connector=self.connector,
> negated=self.negated)
>     clone.children = self.children[:]
>     return clone
> copy = __copy__
> clone = __copy__
> def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
>     ...
>     clone.children = copy.deepcopy(self.children, memo)
>     ...
> }}}
> which would remove the need for methods on either subclass. Note also
> that aliasing the methods that way rather than doing `def copy(): return
> self.clone()` as `WhereNode` currently does is also ''slightly'' quicker.
> We're talking `0.10µs` - small potatoes, but it doesn't hurt to have +
> it's 1 fewer stack frame.
> A final note then: if this properly shallow clone is done, I suspect
> `resolve_expression` can be altered too, to avoid calling `_resolve_node`
> if it's already been done on `self` - the shallow copy would ensure that
> anything which had previously been resolved is kept around and doesn't
> need doing again, I think.
> Other stats: Of the 14,000 tests I can run easily, only 1 time was
> `resolved` in `self.__dict__` when `clone` was called (the value was
> `True`). `contains_aggregate` turned up 209 times (207 with a value of
> `False`, 2 with `True`), and `output_field` only appeared 2 times (both
> `BooleanField`). Those are the only extra attribute I spotted.

New description:

 This relates to #32948 insofar as it's about figuring out how shallow or
 deep a copy is necessary for cloning `Node` instances/subclasses. And a
 bit to #28455 which acknowledges the need to avoid cloning sometimes due
 to it being costly.

 The PR I made for optimising Q combining/inverting
 (https://github.com/django/django/pull/14673) wants to introduce a
 `__copy__` method onto `Q` objects to indicate what level of operation is
 needed. Unlike that PR, it's decidedly not possible to take the same
 approach with WhereNode and just do `clone.__dict__ =
 self.__dict__.copy()` (things broke horribly) because of attributes like
 `contains_aggregate` and `output_field` which are cached properties on the
 WhereNode instance. Also `resolved` gets set after the fact by
 `resolve_expression`. But, as far as I can tell, the looping/testing/child
 cloning ''may be removable''. Perhaps once upon a time they were required
 and other components changed such that it's now safe to consider. I can't
 readily say, but initial experimentation suggests it's OK to look at, at
 least in theory.

 There is a PR already for this, here:
 https://github.com/django/django/pull/14709 which is currently marked
 draft/WIP because I couldn't easily run the whole test suite locally and
 needed to see if the more exotic parts caused problems. They didn't, which
 was unexpected, so here I am. The PR currently replaces the
 `WhereNode.clone` method like so:
 clone = self.__class__._new_instance(children=[],
 connector=self.connector, negated=self.negated)
 for child in self.children:
     if hasattr(child, 'clone'):
 clone = self.__class__._new_instance(children=None,
 connector=self.connector, negated=self.negated)
 clone.children = self.children[:]

 But I ''think'' that Q and WhereNode ''can'' both just return a shallow
 copy by only aliasing the children property, at which point I think the
 `__copy__` method could be implemented on `Node` directly and mirror the
 existing `__deepcopy__` method. By preferring those stdlib names it draws
 a line in the sand over what level of copy should be expected. The
 existing `clone` and `copy` methods can become aliases to same.

 === Before any changes

 If we now begin to examine the before and after with as much data as I can
 easily gather. First a bit of prelude:

 In [1]: from django.db.models.sql.where import WhereNode
 In [2]: from django.db.models import QuerySet
 In [3]: from django.db.models.sql import Query
 In [4]: from django.contrib.auth.models import User
 In [5]: x = User.objects.all()
 In [6]: y = User.objects.filter(username='test',
 In [7]: %load_ext line_profiler

 Now let's establish a ballpark for how much time is spent where, I've
 stripped the line profiling down to just the relevant bits for clarity.

 ==== Queryset with no clauses (`x`)

 In [8]: %lprun -f QuerySet._chain -f QuerySet._clone -f Query.chain -f
 Query.clone -f WhereNode.clone for _ in range(1000): x._chain()

 Function: QuerySet._chain
 Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
   1325                                               def _chain(self,
   1330      1000      88169.0     88.2     97.8          obj =

 Function: QuerySet._clone
 Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
   1337                                               def _clone(self):
   1342      1000      80796.0     80.8     86.3          chained =
   1343      1000       7240.0      7.2      7.7          c =
 self.__class__(model=self.model, query=chained, using=self._db,

 Function: Query.chain
 Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    341                                               def chain(self,
    346      2000     116961.0     58.5     94.8          obj =

 Function: Query.clone
 Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    290                                               def clone(self):
    304      2000      18294.0      9.1     27.0          obj.where =

 Function: WhereNode.clone
 Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    142                                               def clone(self):
    148      4000       6227.0      1.6     63.7          clone =
    149      2000       1170.0      0.6     12.0              children=[],
 connector=self.connector, negated=self.negated)
    150      2000       1407.0      0.7     14.4          for child in
    151                                                       if
 hasattr(child, 'clone'):
    153                                                       else:
    155      2000        969.0      0.5      9.9          return clone

 ==== Queryset with where clauses (`y`)

 Youu can see the cost begin to go up:
 In [9]: %lprun -f QuerySet._chain -f QuerySet._clone -f Query.chain -f
 Query.clone -f WhereNode.clone for _ in range(1000): y._chain()

 Function: Query.clone
 Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    290                                               def clone(self):
    304      2000      60065.0     30.0     59.1          obj.where =

 Function: WhereNode.clone
 Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    142                                               def clone(self):
    148      8000      11473.0      1.4     33.1          clone =
    149      4000       2379.0      0.6      6.9              children=[],
 connector=self.connector, negated=self.negated)
    150     14000       7241.0      0.5     20.9          for child in
    151     10000       5553.0      0.6     16.0              if
 hasattr(child, 'clone'):
    152      2000       1255.0      0.6      3.6
    153                                                       else:
    154      8000       5069.0      0.6     14.6
    155      4000       1715.0      0.4      4.9          return clone


 and the timings for those 2 (`x` and `y`) querysets, plus an example of
 prefetching related data:

 In [10]: %timeit x._chain()
 6.43 µs ± 52 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
 In [11]: %timeit y._chain()
 8.24 µs ± 35.3 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops
 In [12]: %timeit y.query.where.clone()
 2.79 µs ± 38.2 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
 In [13]: %prun for _ in range(100000): y._chain()
 3400003 function calls (3300003 primitive calls) in 1.506 seconds
        ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall
        100000    0.357    0.000    1.007    0.000 query.py:290(clone)
 200000/100000    0.301    0.000    0.539    0.000 where.py:142(clone) <--
        100000    0.172    0.000    1.344    0.000 query.py:1337(_clone)
        100000    0.068    0.000    1.086    0.000 query.py:341(chain)
        100000    0.058    0.000    1.415    0.000 query.py:1325(_chain)
 In [14]: %timeit
 18.2 ms ± 117 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each))

 === After replacing the clone method

 Given those data points, here are the same bits of line profiling, showing
 only those where the needle has moved:

 ==== Queryset with no clauses (`x`)

 Function: Query.clone
 Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    290                                               def clone(self):
    304      2000      14134.0      7.1     22.8          obj.where =

 Function: WhereNode.clone
 Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    142                                               def clone(self):
    148      2000       5586.0      2.8     71.0          clone =
 self.__class__._new_instance(children=None, connector=self.connector,
    149      2000       1412.0      0.7     18.0          clone.children =
    150      2000        865.0      0.4     11.0          return clone

 ==== Queryset with where clauses (`y`)

 Function: Query.clone at line 290
 Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    290                                               def clone(self):
    304      2000      13730.0      6.9     24.7          obj.where =

 Function: WhereNode.clone
 Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    142                                               def clone(self):
    148      2000       5273.0      2.6     69.0          clone =
 self.__class__._new_instance(children=None, connector=self.connector,
    149      2000       1498.0      0.7     19.6          clone.children =
    150      2000        871.0      0.4     11.4          return clone

 And the timings; in the empty case (`x`), it's ''basically'' just paying
 the cost of class creation, but where there are clauses it is more
 consistent (ie: ''nearer'' a constant time vs linear growth).
 In [10]: %timeit x._chain()
 6.51 µs ± 47.6 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops
 In [11]: %timeit y._chain()
 6.25 µs ± 36.4 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
 In [12]: %timeit y.query.where.clone()
 1.16 µs ± 9.09 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops
 In [13]: %prun for _ in range(100000): y._chain()
 2100003 function calls in 1.087 seconds
 ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 100000    0.355    0.000    0.606    0.000 query.py:290(clone)
 100000    0.169    0.000    0.939    0.000 query.py:1337(_clone)
 100000    0.068    0.000    0.139    0.000 where.py:142(clone) <---
 100000    0.067    0.000    0.683    0.000 query.py:341(chain)
 100000    0.058    0.000    1.009    0.000 query.py:1325(_chain)
 In [14]: %timeit
 17.9 ms ± 345 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

 Gut feeling says the "final" implementation could be something like the
 following, directly on the `Node` class.
 def __copy__(self):
     clone = self._new_instance(children=None, connector=self.connector,
     clone.children = self.children[:]
     return clone

 copy = __copy__
 clone = __copy__

 def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
     clone.children = copy.deepcopy(self.children, memo)

 which would remove the need for methods on either subclass. Note also that
 aliasing the methods that way rather than doing `def copy(): return
 self.clone()` as `WhereNode` currently does is also ''slightly'' quicker.
 We're talking `0.10µs` - small potatoes, but it doesn't hurt to have +
 it's 1 fewer stack frame.

 A final note then: if this properly shallow clone is done, I suspect
 `resolve_expression` can be altered too, to avoid calling `_resolve_node`
 if it's already been done on `self` - the shallow copy would ensure that
 anything which had previously been resolved is kept around and doesn't
 need doing again, I think.

 Other stats: Of the 14,000 tests I can run easily, only 1 time was
 `resolved` in `self.__dict__` when `clone` was called (the value was
 `True`). `contains_aggregate` turned up 209 times (207 with a value of
 `False`, 2 with `True`), and `output_field` only appeared 2 times (both
 `BooleanField`). Those are the only extra attribute I spotted.


Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/32970#comment:1>
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