#35587: Add QuerySet.partition(*args, **kwargs)
     Reporter:  Micah Cantor         |                    Owner:  (none)
         Type:  New feature          |                   Status:  closed
    Component:  Database layer       |                  Version:  5.0
  (models, ORM)                      |
     Severity:  Normal               |               Resolution:  wontfix
     Keywords:                       |             Triage Stage:
                                     |  Unreviewed
    Has patch:  0                    |      Needs documentation:  0
  Needs tests:  0                    |  Patch needs improvement:  0
Easy pickings:  0                    |                    UI/UX:  0
Changes (by Simon Charette):

 * resolution:   => wontfix
 * status:  new => closed


 I don't think it's worth extending the `Queryset` API with a method that
 can be emulated through various method and would entertain the idea that
 the returned set of objects will always be mutually exclusive. This is not
 a guarantee that the ORM can provide for a few reasons.

 First the querysets are going to reach to the database serially and thus
 they won't be executed against the same ''snapshot'' so an object could be
 changed in a way that makes it appear in both partitions. Secondly, while
 the ORM goes at great length to make `exclude` the complement of `filter`
 it has a few know bugs] which could also manifest themselves in these

 You are likely better off with a single query that uses an annotation as
 the Python-level predicate for partitioning

 def partition(self, *args, **kwargs):
     queryset = self.annotate(_partition_predicate=Q(*args, **kwargs))
     predicate = attrgetter("_partition_predicate")
     return filter(predicate, queryset), filterfalse(predicate, queryset)

 But that doesn't allow chaining which for the aforementioned reasons I
 believe is not achievable.
Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/35587#comment:1>
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