#9065: timesince filter not calculating difference between two dates
 Reporter:  rcornish                     |       Owner:  nobody    
   Status:  new                          |   Milestone:  post-1.0  
Component:  Template system              |     Version:  1.0       
 Keywords:  template, filter, timesince  |       Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0                            |  
 My template code is:

 {% with publication.list|last as oldest %}
 {% with publication.list|first as newest %}

 {{ newest.date|timesince:oldest.date }}

 {% endwith %}{% endwith %}

 It calculated the dates between the newest and oldest entries. It worked
 before 1.0, and now it doesn't. {{ newest.date}} and {{ oldest.date }} by
 themselves both return dates. Help. :(

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/9065>
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