#9877: More Pythonic mutations of geometry objects
 Reporter:  Aryeh Leib Taurog <v...@aryehleib.com>  |       Owner:  nobody    
   Status:  new                                    |   Milestone:            
Component:  GIS                                    |     Version:  1.0       
 Keywords:                                         |       Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  1                                      |  
 Experimenting with geodjango, I found myself immediately wanting easier,
 more Pythonic ways to manipulate the data in the GEOS geometry objects:

 geometryObj[i:j] = ((33.42,-70.89),(34.819,-67.61))

 So I have extended the !LineString and !LinearRing classes'
 {{{__getitem__}}} and
 {{{__setitem__}}} methods to allow slicing, added a {{{__delitem__}}}
 while I was at it, and threw in most
 of the non-special, standard list methods as well.

 I'd like to do this for the geometry collections next, but I'm posting
 this here (is there a better place?) to solicit feedback on these mods
 before I continue.

 == Questions ==

 1. Is there some really good reason ''not'' to do this that I'm missing,
 or am
 I just the first one who wanted it enough to sit down and do it?

 2. Did I do this correctly?  It seems to work.  I tested the correctness
 the mutations themselves, but haven't extensively tested the GEOS
 methods on the mutated objects.

 3. I've created a situation where

 del geometryObj[:]  # now works
 geometryObj = LinearString([]) # doesn't work

 Is there some reason I shouldn't do that?

 4. Does it make sense to implement similar mutation methods for
 objects or {{{Polygon}}} objects?

 5. I think it would be nice to make the {{{LinearRing}}} mutations fool-
 Meaning since the first and last point must be the same, a
 object with ''n'' points should really behave like a list of ''n - 1''
 coordinates, all the while maintaining the last coordinate as a mirror of
 the first so that the geometry won't be invalidated by the mutations.

 6. I implemented {{{count()}}} which is redundant with {{{__len__()}}}
 and, in this
 case, {{{num_points()}}}.  Overkill?

 7. Also I'm not sure if {{{index(x)}}} and {{{remove(x)}}} made sense in
 context, but I could imagine cases where they might be useful and so I
 erred on the side of implementing as much of the standard list interface
 I thought reasonable.  Comments?

 8. The {{{sort()}}} and {{{reverse()}}} methods don't seem applicable
 here.  These are the
 only standard list methods which I did ''not'' implement.  However, I
 that they might apply to the geometry collections.  Comments?

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/9877>
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