#10905: UnicodeEncodeError from FileUploadTests.test_unicode_file_name
          Reporter:  Richard Davies <richard.dav...@elastichosts.com>  |        
 Owner:  nobody
            Status:  new                                               |     
Milestone:  1.1   
         Component:  File uploads/storage                              |       
        Resolution:                                                    |      
             Stage:  Unreviewed                                        |     
Has_patch:  0     
        Needs_docs:  0                                                 |   
Needs_tests:  0     
Needs_better_patch:  0                                                 |  
Comment (by kmtracey):

 What is your LANG set to?  You are seeing a failure often seen under
 Apache due to an incorrect LANG setting:


 I suspect you have LANG set to something like C, which results in the
 ascii codec being used for encoding unicode file paths passed into system
 calls. As the file path for that test can't be represented in ASCII, you
 get an error.  Setting LANG to something like 'en_US.UTF-8' will cause the
 utf8 codec to be used for encoding file paths to bytestrings, and the test
 will pass.

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/10905#comment:2>
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