#10942: Using `select` and `select_params` fails, but using only `select` works,
and the SQL generated for both is identical.
 Reporter:  mrmachine                     |       Owner:  nobody    
   Status:  new                           |   Milestone:            
Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |     Version:  SVN       
 Keywords:  extra select select_params    |       Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0                             |  
 As per the [http://groups.google.com/group/django-
 users/browse_thread/thread/50c1877fe8339609 google groups discussion], I'm
 seeing inconsistent results when I use `extra()` with `select` and
 `select_params` arguments compared to injecting my params directly into
 the `select` argument.

 As per Malcolm's suggestion, I've now also tried using
 `django.db.connection` and `pysqlite2` to execute the raw SQL, as well as
 copy & pasting the generated SQL directly into the sqlite3 prompt.

 Everything works except using `extra()` with `select` and `select_params`

 >>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User

 >>> # using `select_params` fails, with both the specified users being
 returned with `featured` as 0.
 >>> q1 = User.objects.extra(
 ...     select={'featured': 'auth_user.id IN (%s)'},
 ...     select_params=['1,2']
 ... ).values('featured', 'pk', 'username').order_by('-featured', 'pk',
 >>> print list(q1)
 [{'username': u'admin', 'pk': 1, 'featured': 0}, {'username': u'manager',
 'pk': 2, 'featured': 0}]

 >>> # using only `select` works, with both the specified users being
 returned with `featured` as 1.
 >>> q2 = User.objects.extra(
 ...     select={'featured': 'auth_user.id IN (%s)' % '1,2'}
 ... ).values('featured', 'pk', 'username').order_by('-featured', 'pk',
 >>> print list(q2)
 [{'username': u'admin', 'pk': 1, 'featured': 1}, {'username': u'manager',
 'pk': 2, 'featured': 1}]

 >>> # the sql generated for both querysets is identical.
 >>> str(q1.query) == str(q2.query)

 >>> # ths sql generated looks correct.
 >>> print q1.query
 SELECT (auth_user.id IN (1,2)) AS "featured", "auth_user"."id",
 "auth_user"."username" FROM "auth_user" ORDER BY "featured" DESC,
 "auth_user"."id" ASC, "auth_user"."username" ASC

 >>> # using django to execute raw sql works as expected.
 >>> from django.db import connection
 >>> cursor = connection.cursor()
 >>> cursor.execute(str(q1.query)).fetchall()
 [(1, 1, u'admin'), (1, 2, u'manager')]

 >>> # using pysqlite2 to execute raw sql works as expected.
 >>> from django.conf import settings
 >>> from pysqlite2 import dbapi2
 >>> connection = dbapi2.Connection(settings.DATABASE_NAME)
 >>> cursor = dbapi2.Cursor(connection)
 >>> cursor.execute(str(q1.query)).fetchall()
 [(1, 1, u'admin'), (1, 2, u'manager')]

 # using sqlite3 to execute raw sql works as expected.
 sqlite> SELECT (auth_user.id IN (1,2)) AS "featured", "auth_user"."id",
 "auth_user"."username" FROM "auth_user" ORDER BY "featured" DESC,
 "auth_user"."id" ASC, "auth_user"."username" ASC

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/10942>
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