#11058: list_display_links doesn't allow callables not defined in the model
          Reporter:  dvine                 |         Owner:  nobody
            Status:  new                   |     Milestone:        
         Component:  django.contrib.admin  |       Version:  1.0   
        Resolution:                        |      Keywords:        
             Stage:  Unreviewed            |     Has_patch:  0     
        Needs_docs:  0                     |   Needs_tests:  0     
Needs_better_patch:  0                     |  
Comment (by akaihola):

 If all (or most of) fields displayed are editable, it makes sense to have
 an "Edit" link.

 Here's how we can display an initial "Edit" column with links to change
 forms for each row:
 def list_display_column_factory(value, title=None):
     column = lambda result: value
     column.short_description = title or value
     return column

 class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
     model = Poll
     edit_column = list_display_column_factory(_(u'Edit'))
     list_display = (edit_column, 'question', 'pub_date')
     list_editable = ('question', 'pub_date')

 But if we want to move the "Edit" column to another position or introduce
 another link column, this won't work:
     list_display = ('question', 'pub_date', edit_column)
     list_editable = ('pub_date', )
     list_display_links = ('question', edit_column,)

 It throws this exception:
   File "polls/admin.py", line 16, in <module>
     admin.site.register(Poll, PollAdmin)
   File "django/contrib/admin/sites.py", line 92, in register
     validate(admin_class, model)
   File "django/contrib/admin/validation.py", line 50, in validate
     fetch_attr(cls, model, opts, 'list_display_links[%d]' % idx, field)
   File "django/contrib/admin/validation.py", line 308, in fetch_attr
     return getattr(model, field)
 TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11058#comment:2>
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