#12226: Test HttpResponse template attribute needlessly hard to use
 Reporter:  carljm             |       Owner:  nobody    
   Status:  new                |   Milestone:            
Component:  Testing framework  |     Version:  1.1       
 Keywords:                     |       Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0                  |  
 The {{{ template }}} attribute of the response objects returned by
 Django's test client might be a single template object or might be a list
 of template objects, depending whether template inheritance was used. If
 one tries to write tests that are usable in the presence of user-
 overridden templates, this results in noisy boilerplate in the tests:

 response = client.get('/')
     template_name = response.template.name
 except AttributeError:
     template_name = response.template[0].name

 There's no need for all this: the attribute should simply always be a
 list, sometimes of length 1.

 I would suggest that a new attribute {{{ templates }}} could be added
 which is always a list, and the old attribute {{{ template }}} could go
 through the usual deprecation cycle.

 I'll work on a patch if this approach is accepted in principle.

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/12226>
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