#13948: The sort arrows on the UI for the admin list display are backwards
 Reporter:  jsdalton              |       Owner:  nobody    
   Status:  new                   |   Milestone:            
Component:  django.contrib.admin  |     Version:  SVN       
 Keywords:                        |       Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0                     |  
 The sort arrows on the column headers of the admin change list view are
 backwards (i.e. inverted).

 Right now, on the change list view, if you are sorting a column ascending,
 the arrow shown is a down-pointing triangle. If you sort a column
 descending, it is an up-pointing triangle.

 This is counter-intuitive, and, I would argue, just plain wrong. Here are
 my reasons in case you need them:

  * Up = ascending, down = descending.
  * An "up-pointing" triangle grows small to big, a "down-pointing"
 triangle goes big to small. This maps intuitive to ascending/descending
 sort order for numbers.
  * Google image search for sort descending icon:
 http://www.google.com/images?q=sort+descending+icon . Google image search
 for sort ascending icon:
  * Both Mac OS X and Windows consistently use up triangle for ascending
 and down triangle for descending.

 My apologies if this has been covered or discussed elsewhere (my search
 turned up nothing) or if I am overlooking something ridiculous.

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/13948>
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