#13987: Primary key not set correctly for concrete->abstract->concrete model
 Reporter:  Aramgutang                          |       Owner:  nobody    
   Status:  new                                 |   Milestone:  1.3       
Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)        |     Version:  1.2       
 Keywords:  inheritance, abstract, primary key  |       Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  1                                   |  
 When a concrete model inherits from an abstract model which in turn
 inherits from a concrete model, the "primary_key" attribute on the
 {{{OneToOneField}}} in the child model is not set, and the SQL definition
 for that model does not define a primary key. However, any subsequent
 children inheriting from the abstract class will have a correctly set
 primary key. For example:

 class ConcreteParent(models.Model):
         concrete_field = models.TextField()

 class AbstractParent(ConcreteParent):
         abstract_field = models.TextField()

         class Meta:
                 abstract = True

 class FirstChild(AbstractParent):
         child_field = models.TextField()

 class SecondChild(AbstractParent):
         child_field = models.TextField()

 The output of "sqlall" for these definitions is:

 CREATE TABLE "testapp_concreteparent" (
     "id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     "concrete_field" text NOT NULL
 CREATE TABLE "testapp_firstchild" (
     "concreteparent_ptr_id" integer NOT NULL UNIQUE REFERENCES
 "testapp_concreteparent" ("id") DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
     "abstract_field" text NOT NULL,
     "child_field" text NOT NULL
 CREATE TABLE "testapp_secondchild" (
     "concreteparent_ptr_id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES
 "testapp_concreteparent" ("id") DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
     "abstract_field" text NOT NULL,
     "child_field" text NOT NULL

 Note the absence of "PRIMARY KEY" in the first child and its presence in
 the second child.

 We can also go in the shell to see what's happening:


 >>> FirstChild._meta.get_field_by_name('concreteparent_ptr')[0] ==
 >>> FirstChild._meta.get_field_by_name('concreteparent_ptr')[0] is

 >>> SecondChild._meta.get_field_by_name('concreteparent_ptr')[0] ==
 >>> SecondChild._meta.get_field_by_name('concreteparent_ptr')[0] is

 I believe what is happening is that in {{{db.models.options.py}}}, when
 initialising a Child object in {{{Options._prepare()}}}, the first parent
 link is selected to be the primary key, its primary key attribute is set
 to True, and it is then passed to {{{setup_pk()}}}. However, the field
 fetched through the parent link is the field on the {{{AbstractParent}}}
 model, and is thus not properly registered with the Child model. But in
 this process, its primary_key attribute is set to True, which allows the
 second Child to set it as its PK on the initial {{{add_field()}}} call.

 The simplest fix for this is to initialise the {{{OneToOneField}}} in
 {{{ModelBase.__new__()}}} with {{{primary_key=True}}}. Alternately, and
 perhaps preferably, {{{Options._prepare()}}} can be altered to fetch the
 {{{OneToOneField}}} for the Child model, rather than the
 {{{AbstractParent}}} model. I've attached two patches, one for each
 solution, and perhaps someone more qualified than me can decide which one
 is the better one.

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/13987>
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