Author: russellm
Date: 2010-09-28 03:18:39 -0500 (Tue, 28 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 13936

Migrated regressiontest/datastructures doctest, and moved it into the existing 
utils datastructures package. Thanks to Stephan Jaekel.

Deleted: django/trunk/tests/regressiontests/datastructures/

Deleted: django/trunk/tests/regressiontests/datastructures/

Deleted: django/trunk/tests/regressiontests/datastructures/
--- django/trunk/tests/regressiontests/datastructures/  2010-09-28 
08:18:12 UTC (rev 13935)
+++ django/trunk/tests/regressiontests/datastructures/  2010-09-28 
08:18:39 UTC (rev 13936)
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# Tests for stuff in django.utils.datastructures.
->>> import pickle
->>> from django.utils.datastructures import *
-### MergeDict #################################################################
->>> d1 = 
->>> d2 = 
->>> d3 = 
->>> d4 = {'twoofme':'secondone'}
->>> md = MergeDict( d1,d2,d3 )
->>> md['chris']
->>> md['camri']
->>> md['twoofme']
->>> md2 = md.copy()
->>> md2['chris']
-MergeDict can merge MultiValueDicts
->>> multi1 = MultiValueDict({'key1': ['value1'], 'key2': ['value2', 'value3']})
->>> multi2 = MultiValueDict({'key2': ['value4'], 'key4': ['value5', 'value6']})
->>> mm = MergeDict(multi1, multi2)
-# Although 'key2' appears in both dictionaries, only the first value is used.
->>> mm.getlist('key2')
-['value2', 'value3']
->>> mm.getlist('key4')
-['value5', 'value6']
->>> mm.getlist('undefined')
->>> sorted(mm.keys())
-['key1', 'key2', 'key4']
->>> len(mm.values())
->>> "value1" in mm.values()
->>> sorted(mm.items(), key=lambda k: k[0])
-[('key1', 'value1'), ('key2', 'value3'), ('key4', 'value6')]
->>> [(k,mm.getlist(k)) for k in sorted(mm)]
-[('key1', ['value1']), ('key2', ['value2', 'value3']), ('key4', ['value5', 
-### MultiValueDict ##########################################################
->>> d = MultiValueDict({'name': ['Adrian', 'Simon'], 'position': 
->>> d['name']
->>> d.get('name')
->>> d.getlist('name')
-['Adrian', 'Simon']
->>> list(d.iteritems())
-[('position', 'Developer'), ('name', 'Simon')]
->>> list(d.iterlists())
-[('position', ['Developer']), ('name', ['Adrian', 'Simon'])]
->>> d['lastname']
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-MultiValueDictKeyError: "Key 'lastname' not found in <MultiValueDict: 
{'position': ['Developer'], 'name': ['Adrian', 'Simon']}>"
->>> d.get('lastname')
->>> d.get('lastname', 'nonexistent')
->>> d.getlist('lastname')
->>> d.setlist('lastname', ['Holovaty', 'Willison'])
->>> d.getlist('lastname')
-['Holovaty', 'Willison']
->>> d.values()
-['Developer', 'Simon', 'Willison']
->>> list(d.itervalues())
-['Developer', 'Simon', 'Willison']
-### SortedDict 
->>> d = SortedDict()
->>> d['one'] = 'one'
->>> d['two'] = 'two'
->>> d['three'] = 'three'
->>> d['one']
->>> d['two']
->>> d['three']
->>> d.keys()
-['one', 'two', 'three']
->>> d.values()
-['one', 'two', 'three']
->>> d['one'] = 'not one'
->>> d['one']
-'not one'
->>> d.keys() == d.copy().keys()
->>> d2 = d.copy()
->>> d2['four'] = 'four'
->>> print repr(d)
-{'one': 'not one', 'two': 'two', 'three': 'three'}
->>> d.pop('one', 'missing')
-'not one'
->>> d.pop('one', 'missing')
->>> SortedDict((i, i) for i in xrange(3))
-{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2}
-We don't know which item will be popped in popitem(), so we'll just check that
-the number of keys has decreased.
->>> l = len(d)
->>> _ = d.popitem()
->>> l - len(d)
-Init from sequence of tuples
->>> d = SortedDict((
-... (1, "one"),
-... (0, "zero"),
-... (2, "two")))
->>> print repr(d)
-{1: 'one', 0: 'zero', 2: 'two'}
->>> pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(d, 2))
-{1: 'one', 0: 'zero', 2: 'two'}
->>> d.clear()
->>> d
->>> d.keyOrder
-### DotExpandedDict ##########################################################
->>> d = DotExpandedDict({'person.1.firstname': ['Simon'], 'person.1.lastname': 
['Willison'], 'person.2.firstname': ['Adrian'], 'person.2.lastname': 
->>> d['person']['1']['lastname']
->>> d['person']['2']['lastname']
->>> d['person']['2']['firstname']
-### ImmutableList ############################################################
->>> d = ImmutableList(range(10))
->>> d.sort()
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
-  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/django/utils/", 
line 359, in complain
-    raise AttributeError, self.warning
-AttributeError: ImmutableList object is immutable.
->>> repr(d)
-'(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)'
->>> d = ImmutableList(range(10), warning="Object is immutable!")
->>> d[1]
->>> d[1] = 'test'
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
-  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/django/utils/", 
line 359, in complain
-    raise AttributeError, self.warning
-AttributeError: Object is immutable!
-### DictWrapper #############################################################
->>> f = lambda x: "*%s" % x
->>> d = DictWrapper({'a': 'a'}, f, 'xx_')
->>> "Normal: %(a)s. Modified: %(xx_a)s" % d
-'Normal: a. Modified: *a'

Modified: django/trunk/tests/regressiontests/utils/
--- django/trunk/tests/regressiontests/utils/  2010-09-28 
08:18:12 UTC (rev 13935)
+++ django/trunk/tests/regressiontests/utils/  2010-09-28 
08:18:39 UTC (rev 13936)
@@ -1,8 +1,23 @@
+Tests for stuff in django.utils.datastructures.
+import pickle
 import unittest
-from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
+from django.utils.datastructures import *
-class DatastructuresTests(unittest.TestCase):
+class DatastructuresTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+    def assertRaisesErrorWithMessage(self, error, message, callable,
+        *args, **kwargs):
+        self.assertRaises(error, callable, *args, **kwargs)
+        try:
+            callable(*args, **kwargs)
+        except error, e:
+            self.assertEqual(message, str(e))
+class SortedDictTests(DatastructuresTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.d1 = SortedDict()
         self.d1[7] = 'seven'
@@ -66,3 +81,176 @@
         # Here the order of SortedDict values *is* what we are testing
         self.assertEquals(d.values(), ['second-two', 'one'])
+    def test_overwrite(self):
+        self.d1[1] = 'not one'
+        self.assertEqual(self.d1[1], 'not one')
+        self.assertEqual(self.d1.keys(), self.d1.copy().keys())
+    def test_append(self):
+        self.d1[13] = 'thirteen'
+        self.assertEquals(
+            repr(self.d1),
+            "{7: 'seven', 1: 'one', 9: 'nine', 13: 'thirteen'}"
+        )
+    def test_pop(self):
+        self.assertEquals(self.d1.pop(1, 'missing'), 'one')
+        self.assertEquals(self.d1.pop(1, 'missing'), 'missing')
+        # We don't know which item will be popped in popitem(), so we'll
+        # just check that the number of keys has decreased.
+        l = len(self.d1)
+        self.d1.popitem()
+        self.assertEquals(l - len(self.d1), 1)
+    def test_dict_equality(self):
+        d = SortedDict((i, i) for i in xrange(3))
+        self.assertEquals(d, {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2})
+    def test_tuple_init(self):
+        d = SortedDict(((1, "one"), (0, "zero"), (2, "two")))
+        self.assertEquals(repr(d), "{1: 'one', 0: 'zero', 2: 'two'}")
+    def test_pickle(self):
+        self.assertEquals(
+            pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self.d1, 2)),
+            {7: 'seven', 1: 'one', 9: 'nine'}
+        )
+    def test_clear(self):
+        self.d1.clear()
+        self.assertEquals(self.d1, {})
+        self.assertEquals(self.d1.keyOrder, [])
+class MergeDictTests(DatastructuresTestCase):
+    def test_simple_mergedict(self):
+        d1 = {'chris':'cool', 'camri':'cute', 'cotton':'adorable',
+              'tulip':'snuggable', 'twoofme':'firstone'}
+        d2 = {'chris2':'cool2', 'camri2':'cute2', 'cotton2':'adorable2',
+              'tulip2':'snuggable2'}
+        d3 = {'chris3':'cool3', 'camri3':'cute3', 'cotton3':'adorable3',
+              'tulip3':'snuggable3'}
+        d4 = {'twoofme': 'secondone'}
+        md = MergeDict(d1, d2, d3)
+        self.assertEquals(md['chris'], 'cool')
+        self.assertEquals(md['camri'], 'cute')
+        self.assertEquals(md['twoofme'], 'firstone')
+        md2 = md.copy()
+        self.assertEquals(md2['chris'], 'cool')
+    def test_mergedict_merges_multivaluedict(self):
+        """ MergeDict can merge MultiValueDicts """
+        multi1 = MultiValueDict({'key1': ['value1'],
+                                 'key2': ['value2', 'value3']})
+        multi2 = MultiValueDict({'key2': ['value4'],
+                                 'key4': ['value5', 'value6']})
+        mm = MergeDict(multi1, multi2)
+        # Although 'key2' appears in both dictionaries,
+        # only the first value is used.
+        self.assertEquals(mm.getlist('key2'), ['value2', 'value3'])
+        self.assertEquals(mm.getlist('key4'), ['value5', 'value6'])
+        self.assertEquals(mm.getlist('undefined'), [])
+        self.assertEquals(sorted(mm.keys()), ['key1', 'key2', 'key4'])
+        self.assertEquals(len(mm.values()), 3)
+        self.assertTrue('value1' in mm.values())
+        self.assertEquals(sorted(mm.items(), key=lambda k: k[0]),
+                          [('key1', 'value1'), ('key2', 'value3'),
+                           ('key4', 'value6')])
+        self.assertEquals([(k,mm.getlist(k)) for k in sorted(mm)],
+                          [('key1', ['value1']),
+                           ('key2', ['value2', 'value3']),
+                           ('key4', ['value5', 'value6'])])
+class MultiValueDictTests(DatastructuresTestCase):
+    def test_multivaluedict(self):
+        d = MultiValueDict({'name': ['Adrian', 'Simon'],
+                            'position': ['Developer']})
+        self.assertEquals(d['name'], 'Simon')
+        self.assertEquals(d.get('name'), 'Simon')
+        self.assertEquals(d.getlist('name'), ['Adrian', 'Simon'])
+        self.assertEquals(list(d.iteritems()),
+                          [('position', 'Developer'), ('name', 'Simon')])
+        self.assertEquals(list(d.iterlists()),
+                          [('position', ['Developer']),
+                           ('name', ['Adrian', 'Simon'])])
+        # MultiValueDictKeyError: "Key 'lastname' not found in
+        # <MultiValueDict: {'position': ['Developer'],
+        #                   'name': ['Adrian', 'Simon']}>"
+        self.assertRaisesErrorWithMessage(MultiValueDictKeyError,
+            '"Key \'lastname\' not found in <MultiValueDict: {\'position\':'\
+            ' [\'Developer\'], \'name\': [\'Adrian\', \'Simon\']}>"',
+            d.__getitem__, 'lastname')
+        self.assertEquals(d.get('lastname'), None)
+        self.assertEquals(d.get('lastname', 'nonexistent'), 'nonexistent')
+        self.assertEquals(d.getlist('lastname'), [])
+        d.setlist('lastname', ['Holovaty', 'Willison'])
+        self.assertEquals(d.getlist('lastname'), ['Holovaty', 'Willison'])
+        self.assertEquals(d.values(), ['Developer', 'Simon', 'Willison'])
+        self.assertEquals(list(d.itervalues()),
+                          ['Developer', 'Simon', 'Willison'])
+class DotExpandedDictTests(DatastructuresTestCase):
+    def test_dotexpandeddict(self):
+        d = DotExpandedDict({'person.1.firstname': ['Simon'],
+                             'person.1.lastname': ['Willison'],
+                             'person.2.firstname': ['Adrian'],
+                             'person.2.lastname': ['Holovaty']})
+        self.assertEquals(d['person']['1']['lastname'], ['Willison'])
+        self.assertEquals(d['person']['2']['lastname'], ['Holovaty'])
+        self.assertEquals(d['person']['2']['firstname'], ['Adrian'])
+class ImmutableListTests(DatastructuresTestCase):
+    def test_sort(self):
+        d = ImmutableList(range(10))
+        # AttributeError: ImmutableList object is immutable.
+        self.assertRaisesErrorWithMessage(AttributeError,
+            'ImmutableList object is immutable.', d.sort)
+        self.assertEquals(repr(d), '(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)')
+    def test_custom_warning(self):
+        d = ImmutableList(range(10), warning="Object is immutable!")
+        self.assertEquals(d[1], 1)
+        # AttributeError: Object is immutable!
+        self.assertRaisesErrorWithMessage(AttributeError,
+            'Object is immutable!', d.__setitem__, 1, 'test')
+class DictWrapperTests(DatastructuresTestCase):
+    def test_dictwrapper(self):
+        f = lambda x: "*%s" % x
+        d = DictWrapper({'a': 'a'}, f, 'xx_')
+        self.assertEquals("Normal: %(a)s. Modified: %(xx_a)s" % d,
+                          'Normal: a. Modified: *a')

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