#14355: "readonly" fields don't display their "help_text" in admin
 Reporter:  jester                |       Owner:  nobody    
   Status:  new                   |   Milestone:            
Component:  django.contrib.admin  |     Version:  1.2       
 Keywords:  readonly help_text    |       Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0                     |  
 == Steps to reproduce ==

 1. Define a Model, whose field(s) specify `help_text`, e.g.:

 class MyModel(Model):
     my_regular_field = CharField(max_length=255, help_text="this is my
 regular field")
     my_readonly_field = CharField(max_length=255, help_text="this is my
 readonly field")

 2. Define a ModelAdmin for your Model, including one of its fields in
 `readonly_fields`, e.g.:

 class MyModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     fields = 'my_regular_field', 'my_readonly_field'
     readonly_fields = 'my_readonly_field',
 admin.site.register(MyModel, MyModelAdmin)

 In the object view/edit screen, "My regular field" will have help text,
 "My readonly field" will not.

 == Expectation ==

 The expected behavior is that readonly fields will work just like
 "regular" fields, except their widget will be their plain value rather
 than a form element -- i.e., any string specified as "help_text" should be
 displayed after the field.

 == Uneducated guesswork ==

 I don't dig very deep into the workings of the admin very often, and so,
 obviously, what I'm about to say may be entirely unhelpful.  However, it
 appears that `helpers.AdminReadonlyField` constructs a limited, faux field
 object, a dict, at `self.field`, rather than assign the appropriate
 BoundField instance.  This is perhaps because readonly fields are not
 available to it in `self.form.fields`.  In the template,
 `field.field.field.help_text` fails, as the dict does not contain
 "help_text", (and I'm not sure where AdminReadonlyField would get it,

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/14355>
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