#15145: __in is ignored by an excluded query if foo__in is set to an empty 
 Reporter:  melinath                      |       Owner:  nobody    
   Status:  new                           |   Milestone:            
Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |     Version:  SVN       
 Keywords:                                |       Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0                             |  
 Please note that the arguments may be ignored by a filtered query. I
 haven't tested that.

 Assume the following model setup:
 from django.db import models
 from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType

 class TestModel1(models.Model):
         content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
         integer = models.PositiveIntegerField()

 Now run the following code:
 >>> from test.models import TestModel1 # or wherever you're keeping it.
 >>> from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
 >>> integer = 1
 >>> ct = ContentType.objects.all()[0]
 >>> TestModel1.objects.create(integer=integer, content_type=ct)
 <TestModel1: TestModel1 object>
 >>> TestModel1.objects.all()
 [<TestModel1: TestModel1 object>]
 >>> # This is where it starts getting interesting.
 >>> TestModel1.objects.exclude(content_type=ct, integer__in=[])
 According to the documentation, this kind of exclude should exclude all
 rows where the content type is ct AND integer is in the list. Now since
 the list is empty, there should be no rows matching the exclusion, so all
 rows should be returned. Instead, I get an empty queryset.

 Here's a look at the sql being generated by various queries (Line breaks
 added for readability):


 {{{TestModel1.objects.all() or TestModel1.objects.exclude(integer__in=[])
 or TestModel1.objects.exclude(content_type__in=[])}}}
 SELECT "test_testmodel1"."id", "test_testmodel1"."content_type_id",
 "test_testmodel1"."integer" FROM "test_testmodel1"


 SELECT "test_testmodel1"."id", "test_testmodel1"."content_type_id",
 FROM "test_testmodel1" WHERE NOT ("test_testmodel1"."integer" IN (2))


 {{{TestModel1.objects.exclude(integer__in=[], content_type=ct) or
 SELECT "test_testmodel1"."id", "test_testmodel1"."content_type_id",
 FROM "test_testmodel1" WHERE NOT ("test_testmodel1"."content_type_id" = 1


 {{{TestModel1.objects.exclude(content_type__in=[], integer=1) or
 SELECT "test_testmodel1"."id", "test_testmodel1"."content_type_id",
 FROM "test_testmodel1" WHERE NOT ("test_testmodel1"."integer" = 1 )


 As you can see, the __in kwarg is being completely ignored. Unfortunately,
 I can't for the life of me figure out where the bug is happening, or I
 would try to write a patch. In case it's relevant, I'm using a sqlite3

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/15145>
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