#15374: Polish dates being wrongly shortened.
 Reporter:  muaddib@...             |          Owner:  nobody    
   Status:  new                   |      Milestone:            
Component:  Internationalization  |        Version:  1.3-beta  
 Keywords:                        |   Triage Stage:  Unreviewed
Has patch:  0                     |  
 In newer versions of django month names are being pretty shortened.
 'January' is 'Jan.'
 while 'June' stays 'June'.

 Polish names are being also shortened, but char counting is still derived
 from english name length.
 'Styczen' is 'Sty.' which is ok, but
 'Luty' is 'Lut.' which should not be shortened.

 Full table below
 1. Styczeń/January
 2. Luty/February
 3. Marzec/March
 4. Kwiecień/April
 5. Maj/May
 6. Czerwiec/June
 7. Lipiec/July
 8. Sierpień/August
 9. Wrzesień/September
 10. Październik/October
 11. Listopad/November
 12. Grudzień/December

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/15374>
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