#3591: add support for custom app_label and verbose_name
               Reporter:             |          Owner:  adrian
  jkocherhans                        |         Status:  reopened
                   Type:  New        |      Component:  Core (Other)
  feature                            |       Severity:  Normal
              Milestone:  1.4        |       Keywords:
                Version:  SVN        |      Has patch:  1
             Resolution:             |    Needs tests:  0
           Triage Stage:  Fixed on   |  Easy pickings:  0
  a branch                           |
    Needs documentation:  0          |
Patch needs improvement:  0          |
                  UI/UX:  1          |

Comment (by jezdez):

 Replying to [comment:109 bendavis78]:
 > Thanks.  For clarity's sake, I'm attaching a patch based on jezdez's
 app-loading branch that applies cleanly against r16630 (current svn
 trunk).  I also have this on my github fork here:

 Actually that wasn't really worth the hassle, you merged it wrong (left
 some code from old commits in `admin/options.py`). I attached a correct

 > For further customization, one may also specify how an ```App``` class
 is initialized by providing kwargs in the ```INSTALLED_APPS``` setting:
 > {{{#!python
 >     # ...
 >     ('myapp.apps.MyApp', {'verbose_name':'Something else','foo':'bar'}),
 > )
 > }}}

 FWIW, I like the following notation better:

     # ...
     ('myapp.apps.MyApp', {
         'verbose_name': 'Something else',
         'foo': 'bar',
 > My only question at this point is regarding the design decision to use
 an options class (ie, ```MyApp.Meta```).  The code suggests that other
 properties may be set on your custom App class, but how might one use
 custom properties on an App class?  I'm sure there's a reason for not
 putting verbose_name, db_prefix, and models_path in the class's main
 properties, I'm just curious what the thinking is on that.

 It's simple, `Meta` is used internally by Django during startup, so it
 needs to be handled with care, reducing the chance to break a rather
 fundamental part. In other words, it's internal API when it comes to app
 loading and is configured depending on the (Python) meta class `AppBase`.
 Using it in app-specific implementation details like looking for a
 specific module in all apps (say for implementing the discovery pattern)
 is fine though. If you want to override/set a specific option of an app
 class we need to differ between those internal (via `_meta`) and the
 "usual" class or instance attributes.

 > On another note, I was thinking it would also be useful to allow app
 authors to define how apps should be displayed to the end user.
 Specifically, I think it would be nice to be able to group and order
 models in a way that would be more meaningful or helpful to admin users.
 Perhaps that's one thing that could be done on within a custom App class.
 Although, that might be a discussion for another time.

 That's certainly a good idea but not really part of this ticket. In other
 words, this can be added at a later time on top of the new app classes.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/3591#comment:110>
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