#11665: django.test.TestCase should flush constraints
               Reporter:  Glenn     |          Owner:
                   Type:  Bug       |         Status:  new
              Milestone:            |      Component:  Testing framework
                Version:  SVN       |       Severity:  Normal
             Resolution:            |       Keywords:
           Triage Stage:  Accepted  |      Has patch:  1
    Needs documentation:  0         |    Needs tests:  0
Patch needs improvement:  0         |  Easy pickings:  0
                  UI/UX:  0         |

Comment (by jsdalton):

 Pasting a conversation between myself and jacobkm on IRC:

 [4:50pm] jacobkm: jsdalton: what's connections._ignore_num_queries for?

 [4:50pm] • jacobkm smells a hack

 [4:50pm] jsdalton: jacobkm: lol. the problem is that MySQL uses a
 different number of queries to perform certain operations, basically it's

 [4:51pm] jsdalton: mostly this had to do with fixture loading, if i recall

 [4:51pm] dgovinda left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)

 [4:51pm] dgovinda joined the chat room.

 [4:51pm] jsdalton: to be honest, expecting a consistent query count across
 multiple backends with differing implementations sort of struck me as

 [4:52pm] jacobkm: jsdalton: so it's a workaround to make assertNumQueriese
 consistent across backends?

 [4:52pm] jacobkm: jsdalton: I'd rather see something more like "if backend
 == mysql: assertNumQuerys(6)" sort of thing.

 [4:52pm] jsdalton: hm

 [4:52pm] jacobkm: This seems... evil and undocumented.

 [4:52pm] jsdalton: hm, thinking

 [4:53pm] jacobkm: IOW I'd rather work around it in the tests than have it
 all up in django.db.

 [4:54pm] jacobkm: jsdalton: other than that I think this looks really
 good. We'll need to put something in the release notes -- this has
 potential backwards-compatibility implications -- but if you've not got
 time I can take care of that.

 [4:55pm] jsdalton: jacobkm: cool, sorry just opening up my code here and
 reuploading my thought process to my brain

 [4:55pm] jacobkm: jsdalton: no worries!

 [4:56pm] jacobkm: jsdalton: I'm headed for lucnch but I'll check in when I
 get back so leave anything here for me if you like.

 [4:56pm] jsdalton: sounds good i'll see if i can recall my train of
 thought by then

 [5:00pm] jsdalton: jacobkm: for when you return, here's a very brief
 summary of my reasoning behind ignore_num_queries for you to consider

 [5:02pm] jsdalton: first, the reason for is the implementation of
 check_constraints() varies across backends (i believe MySQL and SQLite are
 different from the others)

 [5:03pm] jsdalton: so yeah one solution would be to set up different
 assertions for each backend in those tests where they were inconsistent.
 that was probably what i wanted to do but i felt like that was cheating,
 since that could conceivably be prone to breakage down the road as
 implementation details changed

 [5:03pm] jsdalton: be that as it may, i'd probably be fine with that

 [5:05pm] jsdalton: i implemented ignore_num_queries because it seemed like
 a better more flexible long term solution. i did add tests for it as well,

 [5:05pm] jsdalton: if you look closely at the implementation, it doesn't
 *really* touch production code

 [5:06pm] jsdalton: it adds a single private attribute to the connections
 variable in django.db

 [5:07pm] jsdalton: otherwise, the only other place it lives is in
 CursorDebugWrapper, i.e. the same place where num queries does its thing

 [5:09pm] jsdalton: and for now it's only used in the test suite around a
 piece of test code that emulates constraint checking

 [5:10pm] jsdalton: anyhow, not sure this is a very strong case for it. to
 me it felt like less of a hack because it's just a way of telling assert
 num queries to ignore query counts for certain blocks of code, but if my
 argument is not particularly convincing i can take your suggestion of
 specifying different query counts per backend

 If we can get a decision on @ignore_num_queries as a decorator vs.
 specifying different expected query counts per backend, I'd be happy to
 implement either and proceed. Jacob also mentioned documentation in the
 release notes, which I can try to tackle as well.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11665#comment:38>
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