#16715: Wrong JOIN with nested null-able foreign keys
               Reporter:  sebastian  |          Owner:  nobody
                   Type:  Bug        |         Status:  new
              Milestone:             |      Component:  Database layer
                Version:  SVN        |  (models, ORM)
             Resolution:             |       Severity:  Normal
           Triage Stage:  Accepted   |       Keywords:  join, values,
    Needs documentation:  0          |  nested, foreign key, null-able
Patch needs improvement:  1          |      Has patch:  1
                  UI/UX:  0          |    Needs tests:  1
                                     |  Easy pickings:  0

Comment (by sebastian):

 Thank you both for your feedback. I agree with Alex that the patch is most
 probably not in the right place, but again I am still not familiar enough
 with the Django internals to have the slightest idea what is happening
 here and what would be the appropriate place for fixing this bug.

 For the time being, I'll try to come up with some tests similar to the
 example in my original report and comment:2.

 '''@carljm:''' \\
 Regarding a demonstration of where this bug causes a real problem in my
 code, see comment:2. That example is a simplified version of what I have
 for my current project (including multi-table inheritance
 Event→Screening). I wanted to use `select_related` in a schedule of all
 upcoming events, so that I don't have to fetch the movie information for
 all screenings in the template, but I ended up having all non-screening
 events missing in the resulting queryset. This is not the behavior I
 expected and this means that I cannot use `select_related`. Without that,
 an additional query is issued for each screening where I want to retrieve
 the movie information (instead of only a single query for everything). I
 tried to work around this with `values` and noticed that this also doesn't
 work, as illustrated by my original report (`values` even fails without
 using multi-table inheritance, using only simple foreign key relations!).

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/16715#comment:7>
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