Author: julien
Date: 2011-09-28 07:00:43 -0700 (Wed, 28 Sep 2011)
New Revision: 16911

Fixed #16949 -- Fixed a small typo in the GIS tutorial and also made some minor 
PEP8 fixes and added some code-block directives while I was at it. Thanks to 
jgomo3 for the report.

Modified: django/trunk/docs/ref/contrib/gis/tutorial.txt
--- django/trunk/docs/ref/contrib/gis/tutorial.txt      2011-09-28 02:26:12 UTC 
(rev 16910)
+++ django/trunk/docs/ref/contrib/gis/tutorial.txt      2011-09-28 14:00:43 UTC 
(rev 16911)
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
 GeoDjango is an add-on for Django that turns it into a world-class geographic
 Web framework.  GeoDjango strives to make it as simple as possible to create
-geographic Web applications, like location-based services.  Some features 
+geographic Web applications, like location-based services.  Some features
 * Django model fields for `OGC`_ geometries.
 * Extensions to Django's ORM for the querying and manipulation of spatial data.
@@ -16,8 +17,8 @@
 * Editing of geometry fields inside the admin.
 This tutorial assumes a familiarity with Django; thus, if you're brand new to
-Django please read through the :doc:`regular tutorial </intro/tutorial01>` to 
-yourself with basic Django concepts.
+Django please read through the :doc:`regular tutorial </intro/tutorial01>` to
+introduce yourself with basic Django concepts.
 .. note::
@@ -52,16 +53,21 @@
 First, a spatial database needs to be created for our project.  If using
 PostgreSQL and PostGIS, then the following commands will
-create the database from a :ref:`spatial database template 
+create the database from a :ref:`spatial database template
+.. code-block:: bash
     $ createdb -T template_postgis geodjango
 .. note::
     This command must be issued by a database user that has permissions to
     create a database.  Here is an example set of commands to create such
-    a user::
+    a user:
+    .. code-block:: bash
         $ sudo su - postgres
         $ createuser --createdb geo
         $ exit
@@ -76,20 +82,25 @@
 Create GeoDjango Project
-Use the ```` script like normal to create a ``geodjango`` 
+Use the ```` script like normal to create a ``geodjango``
+.. code-block:: bash
     $ startproject geodjango
 With the project initialized, now create a ``world`` Django application within
-the ``geodjango`` project::
+the ``geodjango`` project:
+.. code-block:: bash
     $ cd geodjango
     $ python startapp world
 Configure ````
-The ``geodjango`` project settings are stored in the ```` file.  
+The ``geodjango`` project settings are stored in the ```` file. Edit
 the database connection settings appropriately::
     DATABASES = {
@@ -126,10 +137,12 @@
 World Borders
-The world borders data is available in this `zip file`__.  Create a data 
-in the ``world`` application, download the world borders data, and unzip.
-On GNU/Linux platforms the following commands should do it::
+The world borders data is available in this `zip file`__.  Create a data
+directory in the ``world`` application, download the world borders data, and
+unzip. On GNU/Linux platforms the following commands should do it:
+.. code-block:: bash
     $ mkdir world/data
     $ cd world/data
     $ wget
@@ -138,7 +151,8 @@
 The world borders ZIP file contains a set of data files collectively known as
 an `ESRI Shapefile`__, one of the most popular geospatial data formats.  When
-unzipped the world borders data set includes files with the following 
+unzipped the world borders data set includes files with the following
 * ``.shp``: Holds the vector data for the world borders geometries.
 * ``.shx``: Spatial index file for geometries stored in the ``.shp``.
@@ -154,8 +168,10 @@
 The GDAL ``ogrinfo`` utility is excellent for examining metadata about
-shapefiles (or other vector data sources)::
+shapefiles (or other vector data sources):
+.. code-block:: bash
     $ ogrinfo world/data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp
     INFO: Open of `world/data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp'
           using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
@@ -163,8 +179,10 @@
 Here ``ogrinfo`` is telling us that the shapefile has one layer, and that
 layer contains polygon data.  To find out more we'll specify the layer name
-and use the ``-so`` option to get only important summary information::
+and use the ``-so`` option to get only important summary information:
+.. code-block:: bash
     $ ogrinfo -so world/data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3
     INFO: Open of `world/data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp'
           using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
@@ -197,8 +215,8 @@
 ``FIPS: String (2.0)`` indicates that there's a ``FIPS`` character field
 with a maximum length of 2; similarly, ``LON: Real (8.3)`` is a floating-point
 field that holds a maximum of 8 digits up to three decimal places.  Although
-this information may be found right on the `world borders`_ Web site, this 
-you how to determine this information yourself when such metadata is not
+this information may be found right on the `world borders`_ Web site, this
+shows you how to determine this information yourself when such metadata is not
 Geographic Models
@@ -243,25 +261,28 @@
    :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.GeoManager`; this is *required*
    to perform spatial queries.
-When declaring a geometry field on your model the default spatial reference 
-is WGS84 (meaning the `SRID`__ is 4326) -- in other words, the field 
coordinates are in
-longitude/latitude pairs in units of degrees.  If you want the coordinate 
system to be
-different, then SRID of the geometry field may be customized by setting the 
-with an integer corresponding to the coordinate system of your choice.
+When declaring a geometry field on your model the default spatial reference
+system is WGS84 (meaning the `SRID`__ is 4326) -- in other words, the field
+coordinates are in longitude/latitude pairs in units of degrees.  If you want
+the coordinate system to be different, then SRID of the geometry field may be
+customized by setting the ``srid`` with an integer corresponding to the
+coordinate system of your choice.
 Run ``syncdb``
-After you've defined your model, it needs to be synced with the spatial 
-First, let's look at the SQL that will generate the table for the 
+After you've defined your model, it needs to be synced with the spatial
+database. First, let's look at the SQL that will generate the table for the
+``WorldBorder`` model::
     $ python sqlall world
-This management command should produce the following output::
+This management command should produce the following output:
+.. code-block:: sql
     CREATE TABLE "world_worldborders" (
         "id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
@@ -290,18 +311,19 @@
     Creating table world_worldborders
     Installing custom SQL for world.WorldBorder model
-The ``syncdb`` command may also prompt you to create an admin user; go ahead 
-do so (not required now, may be done at any point in the future using the
+The ``syncdb`` command may also prompt you to create an admin user; go ahead
+and do so (not required now, may be done at any point in the future using the
 ``createsuperuser`` management command).
 Importing Spatial Data
 This section will show you how to take the data from the world borders
-shapefile and import it into GeoDjango models using the 
-There are many different different ways to import data in to a
-spatial database -- besides the tools included within GeoDjango, you
-may also use the following to populate your spatial database:
+shapefile and import it into GeoDjango models using the
+There are many different ways to import data in to a spatial database --
+besides the tools included within GeoDjango, you may also use the following to
+populate your spatial database:
 * `ogr2ogr`_: Command-line utility, included with GDAL, that
   supports loading a multitude of vector data formats into
@@ -322,8 +344,10 @@
 library -- in other words, you'll be able explore all the vector data sources
 that OGR supports via a Pythonic API.
-First, invoke the Django shell::
+First, invoke the Django shell:
+.. code-block:: bash
     $ python shell
 If the :ref:`worldborders` data was downloaded like earlier in the
@@ -385,7 +409,8 @@
     '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs '
 Here we've noticed that the shapefile is in the popular WGS84 spatial reference
-system -- in other words, the data uses units of degrees longitude and 
+system -- in other words, the data uses units of degrees longitude and
 In addition, shapefiles also support attribute fields that may contain
 additional data.  Here are the fields on the World Borders layer:
@@ -484,8 +509,10 @@
   the shapefile. This ensures that string values are read and saved correctly
   from their original encoding system.
-Afterwards, invoke the Django shell from the ``geodjango`` project directory::
+Afterwards, invoke the Django shell from the ``geodjango`` project directory:
+.. code-block:: bash
    $ python shell
 Next, import the ``load`` module, call the ``run`` routine, and watch 
@@ -502,11 +529,13 @@
 Now that you've seen how to define geographic models and import data with the
 :ref:`ref-layermapping`, it's possible to further automate this process with
 use of the :djadmin:`ogrinspect` management command.  The :djadmin:`ogrinspect`
-command  introspects a GDAL-supported vector data source (e.g., a shapefile) 
-generates a model definition and ``LayerMapping`` dictionary automatically.
+command  introspects a GDAL-supported vector data source (e.g., a shapefile)
+and generates a model definition and ``LayerMapping`` dictionary automatically.
-The general usage of the command goes as follows::
+The general usage of the command goes as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
     $ python ogrinspect [options] <data_source> <model_name> 
 Where ``data_source`` is the path to the GDAL-supported data source and
@@ -514,15 +543,18 @@
 be used to further define how the model is generated.
 For example, the following command nearly reproduces the ``WorldBorder`` model
-and mapping dictionary created above, automatically::
+and mapping dictionary created above, automatically:
+.. code-block:: bash
     $ python ogrinspect world/data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp 
WorldBorder --srid=4326 --mapping --multi
 A few notes about the command-line options given above:
 * The ``--srid=4326`` option sets the SRID for the geographic field.
 * The ``--mapping`` option tells ``ogrinspect`` to also generate a
-  mapping dictionary for use with 
+  mapping dictionary for use with
+  :class:`~django.contrib.gis.utils.LayerMapping`.
 * The ``--multi`` option is specified so that the geographic field is a
   :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.MultiPolygonField` instead of just a
@@ -571,8 +603,10 @@
 GeoDjango extends the Django ORM and allows the use of spatial lookups.
 Let's do an example where we find the ``WorldBorder`` model that contains
-a point.  First, fire up the management shell::
+a point.  First, fire up the management shell:
+.. code-block:: bash
     $ python shell
 Now, define a point of interest [#]_::
@@ -592,8 +626,8 @@
 Here we retrieved a ``GeoQuerySet`` that has only one model: the one
 for the United States (which is what we would expect).  Similarly,
-a :ref:`GEOS geometry object <ref-geos>` may also be used -- here the 
-spatial lookup is combined with the ``get`` method to retrieve
+a :ref:`GEOS geometry object <ref-geos>` may also be used -- here the
+``intersects`` spatial lookup is combined with the ``get`` method to retrieve
 only the ``WorldBorder`` instance for San Marino instead of a queryset::
     >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
@@ -641,9 +675,9 @@
 Lazy Geometries
 Geometries come to GeoDjango in a standardized textual representation.  Upon
-access of the geometry field, GeoDjango creates a `GEOS geometry object 
-exposing powerful functionality, such as serialization properties for
-popular geospatial formats::
+access of the geometry field, GeoDjango creates a `GEOS geometry object
+<ref-geos>`, exposing powerful functionality, such as serialization properties
+for popular geospatial formats::
     >>> sm = WorldBorder.objects.get(name='San Marino')
     >>> sm.mpoly
@@ -706,8 +740,10 @@
         (r'^admin/', include(,
-Start up the Django development server::
+Start up the Django development server:
+.. code-block:: bash
     $ python runserver
 Finally, browse to ``http://localhost:8000/admin/``, and log in with the admin

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