#17346: MemoryError
     Reporter:  anonymous      |      Owner:  nobody
         Type:  Uncategorized  |     Status:  new
    Component:  Uncategorized  |    Version:  1.3
     Severity:  Normal         |   Keywords:
 Triage Stage:  Unreviewed     |  Has patch:  0
Easy pickings:  0              |      UI/UX:  0
 I have my django application on a apache server with mod_wsgi When i start
 it with python manage.py runserver, it works perfectly, but if I try to
 use it over apache/mod_wsgi it causes major Error (MemoryError at /index)
 Any ideas?

 Description of problem:

 MemoryError at /index

 No exception supplied

 Request Method:         GET
 Request URL:
 Django Version:         1.3.1
 Exception Type:         MemoryError
 Exception Location:     /usr/lib/python2.7/ctypes/__init__.py in <module>,
 line 552
 Python Executable:      /usr/bin/python
 Python Version:         2.7.1
 Python Path:


 tail -75 error_log:
 [Mon Dec 05 10:00:55 2011] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
 [Mon Dec 05 10:01:02 2011] [notice] SELinux policy enabled; httpd running
 as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
 [Mon Dec 05 10:01:02 2011] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper:
 [Mon Dec 05 10:01:02 2011] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest
 authentication ...
 [Mon Dec 05 10:01:02 2011] [notice] Digest: done
 [Mon Dec 05 10:01:02 2011] [notice] mod_python: Creating 4 session mutexes
 based on 256 max processes and 0 max threads.
 [Mon Dec 05 10:01:02 2011] [notice] mod_python: using mutex_directory /tmp
 [Mon Dec 05 10:01:02 2011] [notice] Apache/2.2.21 (Unix) DAV/2
 mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.7.1 mod_wsgi/3.2 configured -- resuming normal


Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/17346>
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