#18094: `pre_delete` and `post_delete` signals are not correctly sent in
inheritance scenarios involving proxy models
     Reporter:  charettes            |                    Owner:  charettes
         Type:  Bug                  |                   Status:  assigned
    Component:  Database layer       |                  Version:  1.4
  (models, ORM)                      |               Resolution:
     Severity:  Normal               |             Triage Stage:
     Keywords:  model proxy multi-   |  Unreviewed
  table inheritance signals delete   |      Needs documentation:  0
    Has patch:  0                    |  Patch needs improvement:  0
  Needs tests:  0                    |                    UI/UX:  0
Easy pickings:  0                    |

Comment (by carljm):

 Just to toss in my several cents:

 * I agree with akaariai that signals for a child proxy should definitely
 not be sent when a parent proxy is deleted.
 * It initially seemed wrong to me to send a separate signal for each
 proxy-equivalent model class, but I was swayed by the argument of internal
 consistency with non-proxy (concrete) parents, where a separate signal is
 sent for each concrete parent, and that fact that the common idiom for
 attaching to model signals doesn't attach to signals sent by "this class
 or any subclasses," which means that e.g. deleting a proxy `User` will not
 execute signal handlers people have attached to `User` deletion, even
 though the `User` is in fact deleted. This seems like a serious problem,
 and adding an inherit=True to handler connection doesn't solve it, because
 it places the onus on the wrong person; the signal author, not the proxy
 `User` author. Somebody with a reusable app that attaches a deletion
 handler to `User` ought to be able to presume that it will get called when
 a `User` is deleted, and they shouldn't need to explicitly consider the
 case of proxy models and add `inherit=True` in order to make that
 assumption true.
 * I'm not sure about consistency with save. I think the practical back-
 compat consequences of firing more signals for the different classes is
 probably minimal, since the common pattern is to use `sender=Foo`, which
 will still catch only one of the several signals (though it's true that
 some auditing schemes might attach to pre_save/post_save indiscriminately
 and would then get duplicated data). In any case, I'm more concerned about
 getting sensible internal consistency within deletion signals than about
 consistent behavior between various ORM methods (though I agree that is
 also desirable, if we can make it happen).

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/18094#comment:6>
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