I've managed to do it my defining the superclass in another module and
importing it from your 'apps/appname/models/appname.py' file.  That
other module can live under your models directory, just give it a
different name than appname.py. I guess it works because the dynamic
model "compiler" doesn't treat it like a real model which should make a
table of (the attributes & methods are inherited, though).

Hope it helps,

Eric Walstad wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to make a base class for my model classes that defines some
> fields but doesn't result in a table in the database.  If my base class
> is derived from meta.Model, then django makes a table for it in the
> database.
> Is it possible to do what I want, move common fields to a super class,
> without generating a table for that super class?
> Thanks,
> Eric.
> contrived example follows (I don't want the 'experiment_mybaseclasss'
> table created):
> experiment/models/experiment.py:
> from django.core import meta
> class myBaseClass(meta.Model):
>     created_on = meta.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
>     modified_on = meta.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
> class myDerivedClass(myBaseClass):
>     name = meta.CharField(maxlength=25)
>     class META:
>        module_name = 'my_derived_class'
> $ django-admin.py sql experiment
> CREATE TABLE experiment_mybaseclasss (
>     id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
>     created_on timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
>     modified_on timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
> );
> CREATE TABLE experiment_my_derived_class (
>     id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
>     modified_on timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
>     created_on timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
>     name varchar(25) NOT NULL
> );

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