I do not understand precisely how these two settings are used.

>From Django doc, we have:
MEDIA_ROOT - Absolute path to the directory that holds media for this
installation. Example: "/home/media/media.lawrence.com/" See also MEDIA_URL.
MEDIA_URL - URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT. Example:

And from another post:
MEDIA_ROOT tells Django where it should put uploaded images.
MEDIA_URL tells Django the prefix it should use in media-references.

Is MEDIA_ROOT really only for uploaded images (or, generally, files)?  The 2
descriptions of MEDIA_URL seem contradictory.  How, when, and where is it
actually applied?


P.S. Django impresses more and more. It has become so easy to put solid and
consistent web apps together.  So, here is to pragmatism--cheers!

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