I'v gone through the first toturial before on another box no problem,
but on this machine I can't seem to get it to work. After setting the
database conection info in myproject/settings.py I try to run
'django-admin.py init --settings=myproject.settings'. I get the
following error:

Error: The database couldn't be initialized.
Could not load database backend: No module named psycopg. Is your
DATABASE_ENGINE setting (currently 'postgresql') spelled correctly?
Available optionas are: 'ado_mssql', 'mysql', 'postgresql', 'sqlite3'

The thing is that I DO NOT have it set to 'postgresql' in
myproject/setting.py but have tried both 'mysql' and 'sqlite3'. I
still get the same message. Oh, and I can 'import myproject' from the
Python interactive prompt without problem, so I know thats not it.
I've tried setting the 'DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE' or using the
'--settings' option, but nothing seems to make a difference. Any
Waylan Limberg

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