On 11/12/05, Adrian Holovaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/12/05, Bryan Murdock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How do I limit access to a generic view to logged in users?
> Hey Bryan,
> I've added a section to the docs for you:

All for me?  I'm...I'm touched.


After that kind of generosity, I hate to ask more annoying questions,
but is it possible to customize the url of the login page that the
login_required decorator uses?  Glancing at the source it doesn't look
like it.

The problem is, I set up my test site with www.example.com/appname so
that plain old apache serves www.example.com/anything_but_appname. 
The default of /accounts/login doesn't get sent to django at all for

It's not a huge deal, I put a test for anonymous user in the generic
view wrapper myself.  It works very nicely.


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