eugene: thanks for the links.

it´s really hard for me to explain what i want - i tried it yesterday with a
code-example, but didn´t get an answer (so i thought i try a different
approach and relate to templavoila, although that might give the wrong

basic idea:
building a site with one (or more) main-template(s), content-boxes (=
sub-templates with placeholders for content-elements) and content-elements
(= outputting data from a database). you should be able to move and delete
content-boxes (with or without the content-elements) and content-elements,
and - of course - add them.
a content-element could be a film-description with an image on the left side
on one page or just a featured film-title on another page (in both cases, i
just want the site-editor to change the film-ID for changing the element).

i´m dealing with this problem for quite a while now, but - surprisingly
enough - there doesn´t seem to be a nice solution. hopefully, somebody here
knows better than me.

some related comments from the rubyonrails-wiki:
1. Allowing content items to be units smaller than a page and referenced as
a graph would allow the most flexibility, but it also appears very
2. Also essential is that the same ContentObject can be rendered differently
in different places. Referenced as a graph would be the best way to do this.
TemplaVoila of Typo3 is a good start, but suffers from lack of a global
render context, and is (almost) strictly a tree.


> "Jacob Kaplan-Moss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Nov 17, 2005, at 10:21 AM, patrick kranzlmller wrote:
>> id like to do something similar to TemplaVoila (used within  Typo3). i
>> dont like Typo3 at all, but their concept of "Futuristic  Template
>> Building" is really good, i think. if anyone has an idea  of how to
>> implement this functionality with django, please let me  know.
> URL?
> Jacob 

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