On 11/29/05, Emanuele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Maybe it's a little off-topic, but I'm thinking about a problem I need > to solve for a future application I want to code using django. And I > think many of you can help me. > Basically users will need to insert multiple images associated to an > object and its features (images are pictures of that object). So I'll > have a form to enter some features of that object (date, size etc.) and > a proper way to insert multiple images EASILY. Easily means that typing > each path or browsing to reach each image location for uploading is not > ok for my future users; is there an easier way? > I know that drag and drop is not possible. I'm a newbie in this field. > > Any ideas? > I assume you would like the user to point to a directory on their machine and have it automaticly select all img files within for upload or something like that. The problem is that the browsers access to the file system is very limited for obvious secerity reasons, so this kind of thing generally doesn't work so well. I imagine that is why online photo services (flickr) offer client side apps for batch uploading etc. Hmm, I wonder if one could utilize an API from one such app for this sort of thing - could be interesting. Or am I missunderstanding your situation?
-- ---- Waylan Limberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]