On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 05:35 -0800, quentinsf wrote:
> OK, I've found the code, and it looks as if set_FOOs() does intelligent
> things about only updating the *changes* to the list of object IDs.
> I'll use that for now.
> Add and Delete methods would be nice though, as would something that
> takes objects instead of IDs.  Seems more Djangoesque.  (Is that a
> word?)

I've also been missing add/delete methods.  The app I'm writing/using
uses a ManyToMany relationship to keep track of what articles each user
has read.  Adding to this list is a little slow, at least partly because
the whole list must be fetched and updated before set_FOOs() gets

| Jason F. McBrayer                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  "If you wish to make Pythocles wealthy, don't give him more   |
|   money; rather, reduce his desires."            -- Epicurus   |

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