Hey guys, got myself stumped and I'm hoping you could help me figure this one out. In my code I've got a hierarchical category structure for my model that's intended to roughly analogize a filesystem, eg:
class Album(meta.Model): location = meta.SlugField() name = meta.CharField() parent = meta.ForeignKey('self', null=True) And then I build up these albums as directories, eg: a = Album(location='2005') a.save() b = Album(location='May', parent=a) b.save() etc.... Now, that all works, but I'm trying to figure out how to define my urlconf so that I can specify urls like a filesystem, eg: www.mydomain.com/albums/2005/may/fishing_trip/ I've tried something similar to: (r'^/albums/(?:([a-z0-9_]+)/)+$', 'mydomain.views.view_album') and then: def view_album(request, *albums): return HttpResponse(repr(albums)) but this always only returns the last match, not all of them as a list. I know it's a limitation of regular expressions, anyone know a way around it? Id rather not go to: r'/albums/(?P<album_id>\d+)/$' and keep the more readable urls....