On Tuesday 10 Jan 2006 9:12 am, Mike wrote:
> Thank you for your elaborate and informative response. I guess I
> fail to properly understand the significance of Primary Keys.
> Isn't it there just to make our records Unique? Then, who cares
> if the other XXX_id's are unique or not! I'd rather impose such
> rules within my application logic anyway.

yikes - the whole idea of having an rdbms is that it maintains 
integrity of data. And data without unique primary keys is not 
data, it is junk. If you are going to waste time and code 
maintaining data integrity in your application logic, you might as 
well use flat files to store your data. What you are doing is 
shutting down your car engine and getting it pulled by a horse. 
Either use the engine or use something more lightweight to ease the 
burden on the horse.

tally ho! http://avsap.org.in
ಇಂಡ್ಲಿನಕ್ಸ வாழ்க!

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