
Thanks and  I got it.  Just to document for people who come after me -
I did all these tests from within mod_python as well as outside it.

First off python version - from within mod_python and I looked all over
I can't find any other versions "2.4.1 (#1, May 16 2005, 15:19:29) [GCC
4.0.0 20050512 (Red Hat 4.0.0-5)]"

If within a python shell I do a from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 it's all
good.  dbapi2.version reponds 2.06.  But I checked it with mod_python
and I get the error that ends in the " permission denied
'./python-eggs' ".  This all exposes more lack of knowledge, but I'm
cool with that.  Pysqlite2 is in an egg in the site-packages.  This is
the important part - mod_python doesn't like zipped eggs.  Unzip it,
did some cleanup of the easy_install.pth, restart apache, and it's all
good.  Thanks again.


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