>:) But in 2.3.X version, there are also have pygettext.py and
>msgfmt.py exist, in windows version. I have 2.3 and 2.4 version
>installed in my box.

On Debian the 2.3 installation doesn't include msgfmt.py AFIK. And
msguniq.py doesn't exist at all - as I wrote, we need _all_ those tools
and we need it for both 2.3 and 2.4 and we need it for all supported
platforms. And from the manpage it looks like the pygettext doesn't
support other language formats - we need that to handle the JavaScript
translations, as the Python mode isn't a good choice to parse
JavaScript (and due to the lack of JavaScript as Language in xgettext,
we actually use Perl as a language setting).

I don't think it's a big problem to get gettext utilities installed -
it is only needed for people trying to handle their own translations,
and those will need .po handling stuff anyway. The current solution
works, even for Windows users, and it has the benefit of using standard
tools for it.

bye, Georg

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