> >    things.delete(type__exact='foo')
> > Have I overlooked something?
> Nope - *we've* overlooked something; this totally should be
> possible.  I've opened a ticket so we can keep track of this (http://
> code.djangoproject.com/ticket/1219).

I've just submitted a patch on magic-removal to this ticket that
implements bulk delete; the syntax is similar to that originally
proposed, except that the delete method is on the Manager, rather than
the class itself:


Any query that is legal for get_list() et al should be legal in
delete(), with the exception of anything requiring a join. DELETE FROM
foo INNER JOIN bar... isn't legal, so any query that requires a join
will cause the delete() to throw an exception.

Any objections to this commit? Or are the impending descriptor changes
going to render this patch immediately obsolete?

Russ Magee %-)

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