On Tuesday 17 Jan 2006 3:53 pm, Jordi Funollet wrote:
> >  Afaik Django enforces uniqueness at the application level, but
> > you could always add it to the database:
> Ouch. Really? So Django is assuming that we are going to work
> with their database *exclusively* through Django, and doesn't
> protect us from doing silly things to the data when integrating
> with other applications.
> This restriction should be on database, shouldn't it?

restriction has to be in the database, but django checks at it's 
level in the admin, but in the main site, if you forget to check, 
you will get an ugly 'programming error' from the database. And i 
have noticed that if you have 'unique_together' then django 
apparently doesnt check at it's level


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