char wrote:
I have a question about the proper use of Django's built-in admin
functionality. I realize that Django evolved in a newsroom environment
where there is a small number of content publishers/admins and many
readers. But what about web apps where users normally enter, update,
and delete the bulk of the application's data? Is it considered good
practice to use the built-in admin content management functionality as
general purpose input screens?

The admin site can display a lot of information that you may not want every user to see. One big example is the "Documentation" section (on the top bar).

As with any privileged tool, the question is largely one of trust... can you trust all of your potential users with the functionality that you give them in the admin?

Another key to keep in mind here is that the current admin site doesn't get more intricate than add/change permissions. If you give someone change permission to one of your models they can change any and all data in that table.

Most likely you are going to want to roll your own, as you can be a lot more precise with your own code, but feel free to evaluate your own situation.

--Max Battcher--

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