I'm living on the bleeding edge (just migrated to rev. 2123) with my current development, and followed the suggested ALTER TABLE commands from the wiki page, and though I can read from the data (all of the views work correctly), I can't save because all of the sequences are now out of sync. I tried renaming the sequences to fit the new naming scheme, but to no avail (Django is calling the new sequence name and the table itself still refers to the old sequence name).

At this point I'm a bit stumped on how to properly do this. Is there an easy way to resync the sequences in PostgreSQL that I've overlooked?

Otherwise, I'm assuming:

* Dump the data to a file
* Drop Cascade everything
* Re-install
* Import back from the file

I made a brief remark on the wiki page that someone should probably amplify into some better general migration guideline.

--Max Battcher--

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