Their is a strange bug in the admin interface of django
1- i want to add new user from the admin interface
2- i went to users and add new user
3-i write my password
but i can't log in with this password
what i noticed is that this password is not saved as md5 in the
database so it is not working
so how i can add user from admin interface
what is wrong with the password?
Mary Adel
Software Developper
ITrize-Egypt 13 Naguib Hashad medan elhegaz heliopolis
Office: +202 - 6236612 EXT. 102
Mobile: +2012 5241719
Mary Adel
Software Developper
ITrize-Egypt 13 Naguib Hashad medan elhegaz heliopolis
Office: +202 - 6236612 EXT. 102
Mobile: +2012 5241719