A bit of code would have clarified my problem. This is what I tried the
first time:

return "Testing %s %s %.2f" % (self.someForeignKey.someThing(),
self.somedate.strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), self.someFloat)

There were 2 problems, basically. First, I tried to access an object
instance directly and not through get_(), but that's going to be fixed
somehow, or so I've heard on #django.

Second, the date field I use has auto_now_add=True (see Maniac's
comment) that's causing problems. Would you consider this a bug? It
'feels' wrong. Right now, these kind of issues don't really bother me,
I'm just trying to find out if django is right for me, but could
something like this make it to 1.0?



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