Hi Jason.
Your scenario only covers a very basic scenario, where 1 user can do
anything to a particular record.
It kind of falls down when you need to assign rights to actions.

ie..group/user X can add a new invoice, but only 'group/user Y' can
modify an existing invoice.

So while a constrained find *can* do what you are after, you will end
up replicated ACL-like code throughout your application, and it might
make it hard to change your application at a later stage when the
design changes.

When I finish a couple of more things on my current-django plaything I
need to work on a ACL system..

Jason.. if you need one as well.. maybe we can co-operate.. the design
pattern for a ACL system is well established..it is just a matter of
getting it down in code I think.

On 2/8/06, Jason Huggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Luke Skibinski Holt wrote:
> > there is no per-record permission system
> > for users yet (or ever...). However this seems an unlikely scenario and
> > more often as not you will only want your users only looking/updating
> > data they have created.
> I had an "aha!" moment on this topic last night. My reply here should
> probably be cross-posted to the dev list, since it's more "dev" in
> focus and not very helpful from a "user" perspective (yet).
> I believe the solution to adding this type of "fine grained" security
> where users can only view/update data they have personally created can
> be solved by what others call "row level security".   It basically
> comes down to appending a special "where" clause to any database query
> in order to limit the amount of data retrieved or edited. I'm thinking
> a Django-ish definition of this "where" clause can be added as a
> parameter to the admin clause in the Meta section of Django model.
> Here is a link at how row level security is defined in an Oracle
> database:
> http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1743
> I'm now abstracting that out and figuring out how to apply this at the
> Python/Django layer so it is available for all database backends, not
> just Oracle.
> On a side note, months ago, I made a proposal on the Django dev list
> for an "ACL-like" permissions scheme to enable the level of fine
> grained permissions that I wanted. Now I've seen the error of my ways
> (that a globally generic ACL system is over-engineering the problem)
> and believe implementing some version of row level security is the way
> to go. Some facts and examples to back up this belief is that the Rails
> framework doesn't provide any complicated ACL system out of the box. My
> "aha" moment came while reading two innocuous paragraphs in the chapter
> titled "Securing your Rails Application" (21.5) from the book, Agile
> Web Development in Rails.
> excerpt 1:
> """
> An attacker might notice this URL and attempt to view the orders for
> other
> customers by manually entering different order ids. We can prevent this
> by using a constrained find( ) in the action. In this example, we
> qualify the
> search with the additional criteria that the owner of the order must
> match
> the current user. An exception will be thrown if no order matches,
> which
> we handle by redisplaying the index page.
> """
> and exerpt 2:
> """
> Another solution to this issue is to use associations in your
> application. If
> we declare that a user has_many orders, then we can constrain the
> search
> to find only orders for that user...
> """
> The authors don't say the phrase "row level security", but that's
> exactly what it is.
> Some critiques to my ACL proposal argued for the example in exerpt 2. I
> now happen to agree with them. :-)
> -Jason

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- blog: http://feh.holsman.net/ -- PH: ++61-3-9877-0909

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