On 09 Feb, 2006, at 13.21, Robert Wittams wrote:
> The overrides stuff is just to allow TABULAR and STACKED to continue to
> work, without meaning that the core django has a dependency on the admin
> code.
>   As you are defining your own class, that shouldn't matter for you, you
> can just use the class directly, eg
> from path.to.custom.admin.code import MyBoundRelatedObject
> class Whatever(Model):
>       parent = ForeignKey(edit_inline=MyBoundRelatedObject)
> I really didn't document this very well at all. It would be great if you
> could write a paragraph or two when you get this working, and submit it
> for inclusion in the docs.

> PS
> Jacob is currently changing this code. So it might be that all this gets
> broken in the near future, as the plan seems to be to abandon non-AJAX
> edit inline AFAIK.

I'd be happy to write this up once I get it working. The problem I'm
having right now is that there seems to be no elegant way of updating
the dictionary bound_related_object_overrides in admin_modify.py to let
it know about additional view types. I can, of course, edit it directly
in admin_modify, but this isn't very nice.

Any suggestions? All ideas I can come up with involve changing the
admin code.


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