
I have read the web services link and done some research but nothing
stands out.

I am interested in designing and application around the web services
model. That is I want the core backend functions as standalone in that
they can be hooked up via any front end ie XML-RPC or SOAP etc......
even hosted on a seperate server is need be.

Does anyone have any ideas on a good approach do doing this. Are there
any frameworks out there, or has anyone done anything similiar.

The following is just food for thought. Any ideas or comments welcome:

One question I am pondering is wether to allow direct acccess. So if
you write your services in pythin

def AddAccount(....
def DeleteAccount(....

You could call these directly

from services.account import AddAccount

def HandlePost(

but they would be available throufh say SOAP as well.

One good option may be to have a default dispatcher or object factory
which could allow the service call to be configured dymanuically.


def handlepost(
       AddAccount = dispatchFactory.get("AddAccount")

this would allow the services configured in a cfg file. They could be
local and direct, or local and access via a protocol like soap or
remote, and could be accesses via RPC or SOAP.

Another question which springs up is the handling of errors. Once you
go remote you lose exceptions (unless I am mistaken). Whats a good way
to handle errors. 



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