Eugene Lazutkin wrote:
> foot wrote:
> > We've got our django project hosted over at Site5 and we have a similar
> > MySQL problem: A (2006, MySQL server has gone away) error, whenever the
> [snip]
> > It would be great to get this fixed tho...
> It was fixed 5 months ago but didn't make it to trunk. Please try
> (the new patch by nash) and see
> if it helps you.

Hi Eugene,

Your post reminded me about this bug which has occasionally caused me
problems too so I tried Nesh's patch but it no longer applies cleanly
to trunk.  It also appears that the patch doesn't pass the
DATABASE_HOST or DATABASE_PASSWORD arguments in the connection request.

If you have a working patch against trunk could you please post it to
#463 for me to test because I'd also like to see a solution to this one
get committed.


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