On Tuesday 14 February 2006 10:23, Roberto Aguilar wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a model called Invitation that I would like to have a method
> called make_rsvp_code.  In the model I define it as such:
> class Invitation(meta.Model):
>     [...]
>     def make_rsvp_code(self, invitation):
>         [...]
>     make_rsvp_code = classmethod(make_rsvp_code)
> The reason I pass in an invitation is because the RSVP code is based
> on some other fields within the  invitation object.
> When I run:
> invitations.make_rsvp_code(invitation)
> I get this error:
> AssertionError: 'make_rsvp_code' is an invalid model parameter.
> Is it possible to give a class classmethods in django?
> Thanks!
> -berto.

Hey Berto,



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