I posted a ticket about and a fix for this here:


In short, if you have a model whose primary key has the db_column option 
set to something other than the name of the attribute, the admin gets 
terribly confused (spits out a ProgrammingError) when you try to save 
it. I've looked through the code, and there are a couple places where it 
seems to assume the DB column and attribute name will never be different.

This came up when I was subclassing auth.User, and replacing its primary 
key with a OneToOneField. Because I wanted to keep its interface the 
same as the original's (meaning, the same attribute names and db column 
names, since certain chunks of code rely on the normal names), I had to 
override the db_column option in the OneToOneField, which caused the 
admin to blow up, &c, &c.

Anyway, the fixes (in the ticket) work just great.

-Kirk McDonald

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