On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 06:18:20PM +0000, Luke Plant wrote:
> 'Site' in that example was a model in my own app -- there is a Django
> model of the same name, but I don't know that much about it.

As I've been learning Django this past week, this type of naming
issue has bitten me over and over and over.

As a major change (magic-removal) is underway, now's the time
to also go back through the documentation...

I beg everyone doing documentation / tutorials to come up with
some absolutely clear naming conventions -- that will make it
crystal clear to people which substrings in a name are what.

e.g. if I see "polls.Polls", which word is my app name or my module
name or a model class name etc.

There might have to be one "form" for documentation and another "form"
for working code examples.  e.g. for me, I find a string such as
"<app_label>/<module_name>_get" to be crystal clear in documentation.
Equally, I would find "APP_LABEL_MYPROJECT/MODULE_NAME_POLLS_get" to
also work, but not be as crystal clear.

Glenn Tenney

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