On 2/28/06, Adrian Holovaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, we talked about this on Sunday at the Django sprint. The
> tentative plan is to introduce a CurrentUserField which is
> special-cased in the admin logic.

How would this be handled in user code?  How would Manipulators deal
with these, ie, would Manipulators have to start taking request.user
in addition to request.POST?  (I'm assuming you've put thought into
how this will effect the proposed changes to Automatic Manipulators,
as well?)

In particular, I have a couple of Models that are created updated
during the save() of other Models (ChangeLogs and Changes) and I
realize this is a special case, but is there any good way to have have
CurrentUser information available to something like the save() without
tying it to only the Admin (ie, still allowing custom forms or
shell-based modifications)?

(On a side note, I could use the ability to have custom
non-Model-Fields (ie, not persisted in the database, only used in the
save() ChangeLog generation) in the Admin, is there an existing way to
do this?)

--Max Battcher--
All progress is based upon a universal innate desire on the part of
every organism to live beyond its income. --Samuel Butler

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