Ivan Sagalaev ÐÉÛÅÔ:

>Grigory Fateyev wrote:
>>I have strange problem. Project has model and DEFAULT_CHARSET =
>>'utf-8' with LANGUAGE_CODE = ru. After adding in admin some object via
>>popup window (ForaignKey), main pagr refresh and first symbol of
>>translated words look like square. Why it can be?
>Most probably it's the result of capitalization via default filters. 
>Many of them don't support proper handling of UTF-8 yet. There is a 
>ticket (http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/924) with a patch fixing 
Thank, it solves the problem in change_list template of admin (may be 
others too).
But not in main admin index.
There is one more capfirst function involved from django/utils/text.py
# Capitalizes the first letter of a string.
capfirst = lambda x: x and x[0].upper() + x[1:]

More advanced one from your patch do the trick.
Not looked into the code further so still wonder why index page shown 
properly for the first time and got broken after save?


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